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DDO is broken

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By dee-em | 8 years ago
DDO is back but I think I will move here. This site is not quick but it seems clean and there is an active admin. Goodbye DDO.
By admin | 8 years ago
dee-em: Yeah, the speed is much worse when there's a lot of people on lol. This is another thing I've been trying to look at improving. Eventually when I finish my masters, I'm moving to a VPS. Should speed things up a bit.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By admin | 8 years ago
TheGhostOfCivilization_2.0: It's pretty similar. Did you get my message when you joined the site? You can check your inbox here: http://www.edeb8.com/message/inbox
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By TheGhostOfCivilization_2.0 | 8 years ago
admin: Alright, thank you.
By CosmoJarvis | 8 years ago
Tree of Death
By Tree of Death | 8 years ago
Hey look it's broken again!
By TheGhostOfCivilization_2.0 | 8 years ago
Tree of Death: Yep XD *sigh*
By dee-em | 8 years ago
It seems to be down yet again.
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Forever: 5
By Wylted | 8 years ago
The Girl With No Identity: I don't know, but it is a better site with a responsive host and more features. So kinda silly, but people are stubborn and nostalgic
By Wylted | 8 years ago
admin: Just delete the polls section which everyone hates and should be a separate site on it's own and the problem fixes itself right?
By TN05 | 8 years ago
Wylted: Problem is they make all the money off the polls.
By Subutai | 8 years ago
TN05: How much money do they make off the polls section? At least lately, the polls section has seemed deserted and the number of bugs there is much greater and much more debilitating compared to the rest of the site (when the site is actually up of course).
By TN05 | 8 years ago
Subutai: It's either polls or opinions. Voting in general makes way more money than the forum and debates.
By Subutai | 8 years ago
TN05: Activity in both is abysmal, and I think that opinions section is plagued with bugs on a comparable level to the polls section as well. How do those trash heaps (which weren't even good before bugs became rampant on the site) generate the most income?
By Wylted | 8 years ago
TN05: If the option is a completely non functional site and no polls, the obvious choice is no polls . The site isn't even up right now. I think they would see the site go offline permanently than delete the polls
By Wylted | 8 years ago
I wanna nominate this thread or some other thread on edeb8 to the DDO hall of fame.
Thumbs up from:
By ProgressiveforLife | 8 years ago
I'm on DDO
By admin | 8 years ago
Wylted: Not necessarily. The problem is maintaining a site with high traffic and TONS of growing data indefinitely. It's so easy for that architecture to break down. I'm not even sure that Juggle ever got around to upgrading many of the systems from the Classic ASP they were originally written in.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By admin | 8 years ago
TN05: Bear in mind, the site was profitable prior to the introduction of polls and opinions.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
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