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That we should introduce a tax on financial transactions
(video, 0/2 accepted)
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(0/2 accepted)
That we should ban international aid charities from using graphic images of suffering
(video, 0/2 accepted, unrated)
That individuals should be allowed to punish people they deem to have committed online harassment by revealing their identity online
(0/2 accepted, unrated)
(secret topic)
(video, 0/2 accepted, unrated)
That condoms should be subsidised by the government
(0/2 accepted, unrated)
That we should legalize all drugs
(0/2 accepted, unrated)
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That vaccination should be compulsory
That schools should help students find an after-school job
That Gay Marriage should be legal
That developed countries should actively recruit medical personnel from developing countries
There is a need for vigilantes in America
That endangered species should be allowed to die
That Western foreign policy should abandon attempts to universalise liberal values
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