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DDO is broken

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By Wylted | 8 years ago
It is failing to even boot up or whatever it is called. Hopefully it has finally collapsed so the exodus to edeb8 can occur
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By admin | 8 years ago
Wylted: Still not loading.

503 errors are pretty serious.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By Ragnar | 8 years ago
I wonder if my prediction has at last come true, Juggle did not care enough to renew the domain names for their sites.
By LunaticFringe | 8 years ago
RIP DDO. I at least need a way to stay in touch with people, hopefully people come here til the site is back up. It did this the other night too. -TUF
By Forever | 8 years ago
LunaticFringe: How many DDO people are on here?
Tree of Death
By Tree of Death | 8 years ago
Rip. How long do y'all think it'll take before the site's back up again?
The Girl With No Identity
By The Girl With No Identity | 8 years ago
wtf I started getting errors on here too. Oh well, at least there's a decent chance of them actually being fixed . . .
The Girl With No Identity
By The Girl With No Identity | 8 years ago
This is way better than DDO (and by that I mean it actually functions) . . . why didn't we all just come here sooner?
By LunaticFringe | 8 years ago
Forever: It seems like quite a few. If DDO goes down, this will have to be the new spot
By LunaticFringe | 8 years ago
The Girl With No Identity: Probably because everyones debates were already over there and they didn't want to lose their progress.
Thumbs up from:
By admin | 8 years ago
Ragnar: Doesn't seem like a domain issue. My guess is that their server has become overloaded and they haven't fixed it.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By admin | 8 years ago
The Girl With No Identity: The server this is hosted on isn't fantastic but it works - any errors will be temporary "can you just give me a second" messages from the server, especially during "peak" times :) The site has tons of backups and fallback mechanisms and stuff because, speaking from experience, you need them. We're not near our all-time daily pageview record (currently at 2,320 fyi) and the server is coping, everything considered.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By admin | 8 years ago
LunaticFringe: I came up with a system to fix that one time, but it would have required the approval of the DDO mods which I never got. The feature to import DDO progress was controversial anyway.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By LunaticFringe | 8 years ago
admin: Well hopefully people come here if DDO stays down
By JonelleStorm | 8 years ago
LunaticFringe: Yeah I'm hoping our friends come over here for the time being.
By Subutai | 8 years ago
Well now we'll finally see if Juggle cares even the slightest about this site. Before, there were a number of bugs, but the site was still, in general, usable, so Juggle could still get the ad revenue from the site. Now, the site isn't even accessible, so the ad revenue from the site is now null. Hopefully this financial hit will persuade Juggle to not only get the site back online, but to optimize it, at least a little bit, as well. However, given Juggle's attitude over the past couple of years, I still have doubts that they'll care enough to do something about it.
By LunaticFringe | 8 years ago
Subutai: People in the hangout are theorizing that maybe the site is down because they are fixing and revamping it. I don't know. But I hope you are right and the ad revenue hitnis big enough to make them look at it. I don't know how much they actually made fro. Ad rev. I would click on ads occasionally to help revenue but I am not sure if others did. Most people have ad block
By Subutai | 8 years ago
LunaticFringe: That's an interesting idea, although I remember Juggle revamped the site a few times back in the 2012-2013 time frame, and I honestly don't remember the site ever being down. And certainly not for two days. However, with the number of bugs on DDO, maybe it's taking a lot more time and effort to implement this time.

I'm sure ad revenue increases with the number of clicks from the site, but sites also get money simply for the ads being there, and, to my knowledge, ad blocking software doesn't really affect this (at least not yet).
The Girl With No Identity
By The Girl With No Identity | 8 years ago
Hey DDO is (at least temporarily) working again
By TheGhostOfCivilization_2.0 | 8 years ago
Hola! *puts on shades* can somebody tell me the basics of how to use the site please? Is it very similar to DDO or a sharp contrast to DDO?
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