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The future of the world with president Trump

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By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Donald Trump is now the president of the United States. What change do you expect in the U.S. and the rest of the world?
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: Hopefully a wave of anti new world order events like this and brexit, and the elites who wrote their plan for depopulation of the earth on the georgia guidestones, hung for treason against their respective countries.
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: So, more nationalism and less globalization?
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: Yes, I don't think any tarridfs or anything will be eco omically harmful either. Large tariffs are but a 1% one here and there are not
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: How is globalization harmful?
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: The answer depends on what you mean by globalization. When I refer to it, I mean the Fabian socialists working behind the scenes to destroy the world.
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: Oh, just conspiracy theories.
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: Do yoy want to debate whether Fabian socialists ever existed or whether it is a mere conspiracy theory?
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: I know they exist, but I see the beliefs that a secret organization is working behind globalization and advancing it to destroy the world with a one world state as hogwash.
By boris7698 | 8 years ago
Globalization and socialism are opposites. Why do you say that Fabians are supporting globalization ? Doesn't globalization just mean "free trade across borders"?
"You can avoid reality, but you can not avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." -- Ayn Rand
By Wylted | 8 years ago
boris7698: The fabians are using international institutions that they have control over, such as the world bank to push a socialist agenda. When I say globalization, I do not mean free trade wgich I am in support of. I mean a centralization of,power over the world through global,mechanisms such as the U.N., world bank or European Union.
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: Obviously they do not want destruction, and view their own aims as good, but as we know. Motive has no bearing on effect.
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: What I mean is that it is hogwash to believe they are working behind globalization for control in the first place. Whether or not they have malicious motives is meaningless if it is not really happening and just a made-up story.
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: The fabians openly admit it.
David Rockefeller openly admits it his writings. Not sure why you doubt it. Besides these NWO types have their Bilderburg meetings in plain veiw of the,public.
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: Because it is not true. They openly support globalization, but are in no way controlling it for their ends.
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: You are back to motivations. I can't guess their motivations. They like every other misguided,politician, probably believe it is for the greater good
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: You are back to motivations.
No, I am saying that this is wrong:
When I refer to it, I mean the Fabian socialists working behind the scenes to destroy the world.
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: They are, they just believe their policies will lead to a good outcome
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: They are
False, they are not working behind globalization. Globalization is independent of them. They have their views, but that doesn't mean they are actually leading the world in their power.
they just believe their policies will lead to a good outcome
True, they believe in a "progressive globalization" and they think it is positive.
By admin | 8 years ago
My view on this is: yes, there are corrupt people who happen to wield power. Yes, many of them want more power. Some might even collude for more power.
At the same time, yes, globalization is much, much more than that. Globalization is a form of expression for cultural hegemony.
There is no conflict in these beliefs.
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