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ShawnthedemocratickingShadow RevolutionaryThat Gay Marriage should be legal
Shadow Revolutionarydisha077That schools should have the power to track students
zetta_anunkidShadow RevolutionaryThat developed countries should actively recruit medical personnel from developing countries
Shadow RevolutionaryZackDavis1997There is a need for vigilantes in America
MyeishaShadow RevolutionaryThat we should limit the amount of food aid that developed nations can freely provide
nabiha95Shadow RevolutionaryIs Toxic Masculinity real?
nabiha95Shadow RevolutionaryThat endangered species should be allowed to die
ShawnthedemocratickingShadow RevolutionaryAbortion
adminShadow RevolutionaryThat copyright law should not extend to the internet
Shadow RevolutionaryNicoleHaro1996Terrorismo Domestico