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Terrorismo Domestico

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Shadow RevolutionaryShadow Revolutionary (PRO)
I have to agree, domestic terrorism is not ok. Terrorism in general is not ok. But let's focus on America. What qualifies for domestic terrorism? Citizens of America terrorizing people? External terrorism making its way to America? Or does anything really fall in the ranges? I want you to picture the U.S. capital on a nice day. A group of republicans is being silenced and told what to do... no freedom. They break into the capital, unarmed, without brute force. Is that domestic terrorism? That is why I'm fighting against this. Not because I believe in terrorism in any way, but because what is considered domestic terrorism, are the things that built America in the first place. Domestic terrorism is not a good thing, but if voicing your opinion is domestic terrorism, I have to side with the "terrorists". I agree, 9/11 could be called domestic terrorism. That was wrong. But there are some things classified as domestic terrorism that aren't wrong. These things shouldn't be illegal or frowned upon. How would you feel? 

How would you feel?
You have been trying to voice your opinion, trying to say something, but the other side was always telling you "no", and "you are wrong" without actually paying attention. One day you punch that whole side in the face, it's not a hard one... but you do. And you get sent to the principal's office or called to your boss's office. How would you feel? Now, what if it's a school bully? Who physically abuses you, but you're the one who gets in trouble? Think about that.
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2021-02-24 13:36:32
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