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Is Toxic Masculinity real?

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nabiha95nabiha95 (PRO)
Toxic masculinity revolves around the idea that men, from an early age are required to act a certain way, and have to act tough and suppress their emotions. This sort of transcends into their adulthood and the not being able to express your emotions turns into aggression and thus, male violence. Male violence cases, such as 92% of defendants in domestic abuse-related prosecutions being men, are a product of toxic masculinity. Hence, I believe toxic masculinity is very real.
Return To Top | Posted:
2021-03-11 04:59:07
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Shadow RevolutionaryShadow Revolutionary (CON)
"The idea that 'men are just naturally violent' is a manifestation of toxic masculinity."

That is how I, and everybody who uses the Cambridge dictionary, define toxic masculinity. Your argument is fair, but not factual. Toxic Masculinity is the idea that men are naturally violent, whereas you said they are violent because of suppressed emotions. The reality is, Toxic Masculinity is a far-left idea, made up by women. If toxic masculinity is real, and considered "bad", then Men can't be Men.
Return To Top | Posted:
2021-03-11 14:41:05
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nabiha95nabiha95 (PRO)
I don't think anyone, for that matter, is 'naturally violent' rather it is the environment they grow up in to teaches them to act tough and suppress their emotions as I mentioned earlier, which leads to toxic masculinity. Rather it is discussed as a 'cultural norm' and not that men are born with it. The chain goes back several many years, yes, but doesnt mean it is in their genes and whatnot. I disagree with when you said 'men can't be men' because men can very much act their ways without...
Return To Top | Posted:
2021-03-12 10:46:22
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