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NuraiiiiiiKushThat education should be compulsory in the third world
Kush9spacekingThat governments have an obligation to provide housing for their people
HartleroadmKushThat the death penalty should be abolished globally
sunbrightKushThat democracies should extend voting rights to migrant workers
Bugsy460KushThat Costa Rica should put the economy before environmental protection
KushboranbaevaThat vaccination should be compulsory
KushMarioThat multinational companies should be liable for human rights abuses anywhere in their supply chain
KushtheharvadiansThat free trade does more harm than good
Obsidian297KushThat we should legalize all drugs
shaina guptaKushThat doping should be legal in sports
KushGekkThat we should require a university degree to be eligible to run for public office
KushAliNotTooSmartNasirThat teams should allow sponsors to advertise on their jerseys
Kusholiviamae23That there should be no legislative controls on gun ownership
Bugsy460KushThe United States and Canada should merge into one nation.
Bugsy460KushThat the security council should be scrapped
jessld2104KushThat we should pay additional benefits to families on welfare according to their child's performance in school
KushBugsy460Private sector jobs are better than government jobs
LTAD2108KushShould euthanasia be legalised everywhere?
KushSonnyThat we should repatriate all illegal immigrants
OrlaJKushThat countries have a moral duty to protect human rights in other countries
KushBugsy460That the Middle East would benefit from Kurdistan being independent
KushTemsuThat vegetarianism is morally good
Bugsy460KushThat where peaceful protests are met with a violent state response, protesters should respond violently
DillonCrawfordKushThat we should allow prisoners to volunteer for drug trials in exchange for lighter sentences
KushBugsy460That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones
KushBugsy460That renewable energy should be heavily subsidised by the government
oranges.KushThat children should never be classified as sex offenders
eunoiaKushThe Death Penalty Should be Abolished
OrlaJKushThat countries have a moral duty to protect human rights in other countries
KushL3VI_OFFLINEThat police should offer rewards to help solve crimes
KushJackSpratThat multinational companies should be liable for human rights abuses anywhere in their supply chain
KushBugsy460Private sector jobs are better than government jobs
KushJackSpratThe Chinese Government Should be Held Accountable for the Widespread of the Coronavirus
DillonCrawfordKushAre The U.K. Government doing their job correctly?
KushBugsy460Private sector jobs are better than government jobs
Bugsy460KushThat prisons should be privatised
Patrick21KushThat secular governments should censor those sections of religious texts that constitute hate speech
VirtuosoKushThat governments should control stock investments
Kushccullen123That world leaders should have term limits
NickWillWrightKushThat governments should actively discourage consumerist lifestyles