Kush (PRO)
I like to express my gratitude towards Bugsy460 for accepting this debate.
Firstly, let us clarify some definitions. Private sector can be defined as jobs that primarily work for profit. They usually work for individual businessmen. Basically, anything that is non-governmental and corporation is a private sector job. Government jobs, which are pretty self-explanatory, are jobs that work under the guidance of the government.
One of the main reasons that private jobs have always had an upper hand over government jobs has been because of salary. As we all know private worker are paid significantly more than public workers. This is because private corporations produce more profit than the government. The average salary of a lawyer working in a private firm is approximately $120,000annually. On the contrary the salary of a D.A. is $73,000. As we can see, the government pays a pittance to their employees.
Working Conditions

As you can see the pitiable conditions of the government offices. The workers are buried underneath the documents, knowing that there is no way in heaven they can ever finish all of the pending files. On the contrary:

In my opinion it’s pretty self-visual the difference. Not only are the working conditions organized in the private sector, they are clean and sanitary.
Realistically saying, most of the students look up to their parents when considering their jobs. But there is a flaw. A few years ago, when our parents were passing out of college, they didn’t have a lot of choices except for the government sector. But today’s scenario is different. The PRO will inevitably portray that this resolution stands because of its success.
Return To Top | Posted: 2020-07-09 19:33:18
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Bugsy460 (CON)
Thank you for creating this debate Kush. I'm happy to be apart of it.
1. "Better" shall be defined as an improvement for the nation as a whole. This definition makes sense because it asks about "private sector jobs" and "government jobs" in a plurality. Most likely, and individual won't have a large assortment of jobs, they'll have a few in their life. This clearly implies that it's about the total impact on the nation, not what's better for one individual.
Opponent's Case
1. While your average government employee might take less money home, they get a huge boost in benefits. These things include alternative work schedules, ten paid holidays, childcare subsidies, commuter subsidies, continuing education and professional development, dental and vision insurance, health insurance, leave to care, life insurance, and retirement benefits.1 Accounting for all of this, which isn't even all of it, the salary question becomes a lot more muddled. We can say in 2018, federal workers in the United States received $41,508 in benefits.2 If we use the previous comparison my opponent used, it would now be $120,000 to $114,508. While this still puts the private sector slightly over it, it now isn't so much of a change. These two individuals would still be in the same economic class and their differences in pay would barely account for a difference between them. Also, if we do a general comparison, federal workers make 78% more on average while state and local workers make 25% more.3
A. Using my definition of better, the individual pay between two employees isn't the most relevant point to what is better for the nation as a whole. This gets shadowed by my points later on.
2. Working conditions is a really hard comparison to make. One picture simply doesn't do it because I could just as simply show a picture of a private sweatshop or one cursed image of a trashed bathroom a minimum wage employee has to clean and it would then go to the government sector having the better working conditions. The actual tasks of the job aren't a good comparison to working conditions because their is easy jobs in private and public sector, just as their is hard jobs in the private and public sector. We should focus on things like benefits, which clearly go into the benefit of the government sector. We should also look at job security, which clearly goes into the government sector.3
A. Using my definition of better, the individual working conditions between two employees isn't the most relevant point to what is better for the nation as a whole. This gets shadowed by my points later on.
My Case
1. My opponent's definition of government jobs makes every job a government job. He defines it as any job that works under the guidance of the government. Due to regulation, minimum wages, income taxes, and an assortment of other government stipulations, every job in the world is under the guidance of the government. This means that based on my opponent's definition, not even me trying to twist him up in a definition but properly applying his, he is advocating for nothing. He's given all power to the government sector, making any point he makes mute.
2. Teachers are one of the most important jobs to a nation. On average, a teacher will teach 3,000 students.4 This is 3,000 people that are influenced and educated to become functioning members of society. The job of being a teacher is very simply the most influential thing on our society because it molds the next generation into productive and educated members of said society. Now, to preemptively answer private schools teachers argument, there are 3.3 million public school teachers, 205,600 public charter school teachers, and 509,200 private school teachers.5 This means that public teachers very simply affect more kids and have a greater effect on society.
3. Elected officials are crucial to the functioning of the nation. Very simply, without them, we wouldn't have a government. They keep the state running smoothly and effectively. Any nation would need executive, legislative, and judicial functions, and unless you advocate for an anarcho-capitalist society, they perform very crucial jobs. They create, enforce, and prosecute those who break regulations that protect private sector jobs from abuse from workers, as well as a million other things not related to labor. They are easily one of the most important jobs to a society.
4. The military is a very crucial job to the betterment of a society. If a society isn't given the protection it needs to not be overtaken by its neighbors, then does that society have a chance to create a prosperous nation? Military is crucial to a nation because it ensures the nation survives.
I have negated the resolution by proving that my opponent's claims were false, reframed the debate to talk about the betterment of the nation, and shown that government jobs better the nation. Vote Con!
Return To Top | Posted: 2020-07-10 07:26:07
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