Flat Earth
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What do you think of flat earthers? Is there a small chance that they are correct? Why are people willing to believe the earth is flat?
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I think it's a joke
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Do you mean that nobody really believes it, or that it couldn't get any more ridiculous?
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That nobody who has done research into it really believes it to that extent.
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If you look in the links, they essentially take all observations that show the earth is round, and declare it false. The really have little to actually prove that the earth itself is flat.
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Random Stranger:
I've seen the links and they only strengthened my conviction.
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It's ridiculous. Denial of basic scientific knowledge.
Famousdebater from DDO.
And they don't even really have a good reason to believe it.
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Random Stranger:
The only actual arguments that I see are ones that have been disputed many, many times.
Famousdebater from DDO.
No, globist! All the scientists and pilots and astronauts and half the people in the world are bribed to say the world is round. I stood on a hill once and I know for a fact the world is flat!
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Random Stranger:
Lol. That's the exact kind of logic I see from flat Earth proponents.
Famousdebater from DDO.

By believing the Earth is round you probably rely on scientists who have studied the subject. As a Solipsist knowing you can only trust your own senses and barely, you have to ho on personal experience to determine if the Earth is flat or round. I have never personally seen the curvature of the Earth,myseld
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By believing the Earth is round you probably rely on scientists who have studied the subject
No, it's just common sense when you think about it. If the earth is flat, then why is it nighttime here and daylight on the other side of the world? If the earth were flat, then everybody on earth would see the sun at the same time, not just half of the world.
I have never personally seen the curvature of the Earth,myseld
Then go to the ocean with a pair of binoculars. You'll see the curvature of the earth then, because when ships go to the horizon of the sea, the hulls of the ships disappear before the masts.
The boat effect is not a result of curvature, but an optical illusion that can typically be fixed by binoculars, and a directed light that circles over head would have the same effect as the one described, being seen only by those people it is directly above. Besides that, I don't know what happens on the other side of the planet. I have never been there.
Random Stranger:
Tell all of this to the DDO Edlvisgd, (whatever), and he will give you 500 posts about it's flat.
I am Fire_wings
I have just seen a documentary called " Gods of Egypt " which shows Ra moving the Sun around to the other side of a FLAT earth. That is all the proof we flat earthers need.
Yes because of course the Egyptians were SO scientifically advanced right?
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Of course. You've seen those big bungalows with a sloping roof? Perfect to keep the snow off. Their flying cars are so coooool!!.
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