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By Blackflag | 9 years ago
As with the Inquisition, the same is with the Crusades. They were by Catholics; not Christians.
Not true. The first four crusades were launched in collaboration between the Patriarch of Byzantium and the Roman Catholic Pope. The armies assembled came from all of Christendom, and even non-authority churches formed order to participate in the Crusades.
By Blackflag | 9 years ago
Three of the crusades were conducted entirely separate of the Church. If you consider the Forgotten Crusades, which were conflicts against Pagans and Minor Patriarchies, then even more than three.
By Bolshevik- | 9 years ago
Krazy: I never said they came from the bible, I simply argue that protestants are just as bad as catholics in their persecutions of other people. Also, I don't really like christian's anti abortion and anti gay marriage views that are pretty ridiculous.
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By Krazy | 9 years ago
Bolshevik-: I never said they came from the bible, I simply argue that protestants are just as bad as catholics in their persecutions of other people
And neither of their persecutions are supported by the Bible.

Also, I don't really like christian's anti abortion and anti gay marriage views that are pretty ridiculous.
Lol that's off topic, but alright. Please explain why they are ridiculous. Homosexuality is a disgusting sexual perversion while murdering your own baby is the epitome of evil itself. It's pretty straight forward. It would be insane to support the notion of abortion and homosexual "marriage".
By Bolshevik- | 9 years ago
Krazy: Yes well Protestants participated in the genocide of Native Americans and slavery as much as Catholics. None of it is explained in the Bible which is basically a piece of trash not worth reading and something you should stop referring to so often.
Believe it or not, some people are born as homosexual's. Who are you to say whether or not its a "disgusting perversion?"
A woman has a right to decide what to do with her body and therefore should be allowed to have an abortion if she wishes. I find it interesting how humans believe it is a greater crime to kill an unborn baby than to wipe out countless species as humans have already done and continue doing. Overpopulation is a huge problem in the world but some fools continue to cry about how bad abortion is when there is nothing wrong with it. I'm not sure why religious fools continue arguing about abortion and same sex marriage while people do nothing about global warming, pollution, poverty, and other real problems in the world.
Victory: http://www.edeb8.com/forum/Games/828
By Blackflag | 9 years ago
Yes well Protestants participated in the genocide of Native Americans and slavery as much as Catholics
I don't think that is true. The closest thing to a genocide in the Americas was the 40 or so million people which were killed by Catholic Spain prior to the arrival of other European powers.

The other genocide I know about was the 2000 First Nationers that were killed by the Canadian Army.
By Blackflag | 9 years ago
Who are you to say whether or not its a "disgusting perversion?"

Agreed, I do not get the word perversion either. People who have sex do so out of perverted desires, regardless of who they are having sex with.

A woman has a right to decide what to do with her body and therefore should be allowed to have an abortion if she wishes
This is dependent on the premise that the life inside the woman is hers to do with as she pleases. Believe it or not, your existence was once summed up to a fetus.

I find it interesting how humans believe it is a greater crime to kill an unborn baby than to wipe out countless species as humans have already done and continue doing
I think all life needs to be valued and respected. Even fetus's.

I am okay with killing other species for food, but the practices we use on other species, and the way we disrespect their lives is abominable. Breeding cows, fattening them up, never lettingthem see sunlight, just to slaughter them? It makes me sick.

Life; Human, animal, or fetus, is important. It should not be discarded and thrown away at whimsy when it pleases us. That is why I find abortion disgusting.
By genesis01 | 9 years ago
Krazy: You seem to be one of those fundamentalist and more "extreme" Christians. The difference between bible literalists and Catholics is that we take a more logical, scientific interpretation of Christianity that also complies with modern morality. The Bible isn't the direct word of God, the writers of the Bible were just influenced by God. Catholics believe in many of the aspects, and it's the basis of Christianity, yes. However, it was written 2000 years ago. People and the lifestyle back then was way different. Catholics don't literally take the Bible as some other Christians do, a lot of the Bible is also misinterpreted.

There's parts in the Bible about gender roles and slavery, clearly morality back then shouldn't be followed today.
By Blackflag | 9 years ago
The difference between bible literalists and Catholics is that we take a more logical, scientific interpretation of Christianity that also complies with modern morality
You are misrepresenting your own faith now.

Catholics subscribe to the Roman Catholic Church, not a specific doctrine. The closest thing to a set doctrine is the Vatican canon.
By Blackflag | 9 years ago
@Krazy often forgets that the Catholic and Protestant bibles are different.
By Krazy | 9 years ago
Bolshevik-: Yes well Protestants participated in the genocide of Native Americans and slavery as much as Catholics
So what? Does this somehow nullify the truth of the Bible?

None of it is explained in the Bible which is basically a piece of trash not worth reading and something you should stop referring to so often.
Why do you hate the Bible so much?

Believe it or not, some people are born as homosexual's.
First of all, there is zero scientific evidence to say that people are born gay. Second of all, even if it was genetic, does that make it okay? If I had a genetic predisposition towards violence, does that make it okay for me to be violent? Of course not. Even if people were born gay, it's still a sin.

Who are you to say whether or not its a "disgusting perversion?"
It's not me who says it, it's the Bible. Don't shoot the messenger.

A woman has a right to decide what to do with her body and therefore should be allowed to have an abortion if she wishes.
It clearly says in the Bible that an unborn child is a person (Psalm 139:13-16; Jeremiah 1:5; Exodus 21:22-25).

I find it interesting how humans believe it is a greater crime to kill an unborn baby than to wipe out countless species as humans have already done and continue doing. Overpopulation is a huge problem in the world but some fools continue to cry about how bad abortion is when there is nothing wrong with it. I'm not sure why religious fools continue arguing about abortion and same sex marriage while people do nothing about global warming, pollution, poverty, and other real problems in the world.
No need to be rude; no need to name-call.
By Blackflag | 9 years ago
First of all, there is zero scientific evidence to say that people are born gay
The evidence that people are born straight is where?

Wait..... the bible?

It's not me who says it, it's the Bible. Don't shoot the messenger.
The problem is that you do not do much independent thinking. You always end up using the "bible" to justify your positions, but seem to have little actual substance for why the bible contains supreme knowledge. Your one argument that the bible has supreme knowledge comes from the bible of all places, so that point is moot!

By admin | 9 years ago
Blackflag: In fairness, I don't exactly see many sources from you either in this thread.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By Blackflag | 9 years ago
The belief is that the holy spirit and the kingdom of god take residence in the fetus.

Abortion isn't a religious issue though. It is all about respect for life. The fetus is potential. We were all a fetus at one point, with the potential to be something more. Imagine if our mothers had said screw it, and injected a needle into our tiny fetal organs?
By Blackflag | 9 years ago
admin: You are guilty of what he is. Knowledge comes from justified conclusions based on unconfirmable information. I argue from my heart, not from the words of a scientist or philosopher. That is why I never use sources, and rarely quote others. There opinions and statements are for the most part irrelevant to my conclusions.
By Blackflag | 9 years ago
admin: Also we are on a level where we can debate the credibility to sources.

The bible isn't the only example of this happening. I have literally heard people repeat Machiavelli a dozen times in an argument.

So.... Machiavelli, huh? He sounds like a person who knows anything about everything. Infallible too!
By Krazy | 9 years ago
genesis01: Just because it's written a long time ago, that doesn't make it false. It's still true today.

You brought up gender roles. Again, the Bible is still true even though it was written thousands of years ago. A husband should sacrifice himself for his wife everyday. And the wife should submit and obey her husband in everything (Ephesians 5).

You brought up slavery. The slavery that occurred in the Bible was very different from the kind of slavery in the modern time. First, slavery in the Bible wasn't based on nationality or race, like it has been in the past 500 years. It was based on economics more or less. Some people chose to be slaves because they couldn't provide for themselves in society. Second of all, the Bible condemns slave stealing. The practice of slave trading and stealing happened in Africa in the past few hundred years across the atlantic; but the Bible does not condone this. In fact, if anybody traded or stole slaves, they were to be put to death by stoning (Exodus 21:16).
By Blackflag | 9 years ago
A husband should sacrifice himself for his wife everyday. And the wife should submit and obey her husband in everything
Now this I can get behind. Thanks Paul!

I am not thankful that you used your influence to discredit homosexuality. Think of all the available single women had there been more queers?!
By Krazy | 9 years ago
Blackflag: @Krazy often forgets that the Catholic and Protestant bibles are different.
There's only one Word of God/Bible. The deuterocanonicals/Apocrypha are the only addition to the Catholic version of the Bible. And they aren't the inspired Word of God. The Apocrypha never belonged in the Bible.
By Blackflag | 9 years ago
Krazy: Try again! Apocrypha is absent of the Catholic bible...
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