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Union blackmail.

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By Polymath | 8 years ago
Unions should not be allowed to use strikes or restrictive actions for the 4 days prior to, and after, a public/bank holiday and none during school holidays.

By admin | 8 years ago
Polymath: Why?
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By Polymath | 8 years ago
admin: You keep doing this. You enter a thread and give no opinion. So. Why not.
By admin | 8 years ago
Polymath: Because the right to protest and the right of free assembly/speech are sacrosanct. The alternative is literally forcing people to work which is slavery.

However, you shouldn't ask somebody to prove a negative absolutely. If you hold a view and make a thread about it, primarily, you should defend that view.
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By Polymath | 8 years ago
admin: You can not defend the non-existent. To defend a view you have to enter one. Why is not a " view ".

Are there regulations regarding strike action in New Zealand? In England there has to be a certain % of members voting for strike action nationally.
Does the " sacrosanct " right to protest and rights of free speech have anything whatever to do with a unions strike action. No, I thought not.
By admin | 8 years ago
Polymath: You started the thread by posting a view and not defending it. Asking you to defend your view doesn't first require defending the contrary opinion. It's like if I say "God exists and you can't prove me wrong".

They absolutely do. Strike action is peaceful assembly by workers refusing to work. They exercise their free speech in doing so, as well as their right to protest. In return they demand better conditions for union members. Businesses have the right to do the opposite, called a lockout, where they refuse to employ people for a given length of time. Governments should not force businesses to employ people nor workers to work - if people don't want to work or hire people that's their right.

If the strike is by a union, at least half of the union need to approve of the strike. Any individual person can strike at any time by simply not turning up to work.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
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By Wylted | 8 years ago
Forcing people to work is slavery
By Polymath | 8 years ago
admin: I didn't defend my view because there was no one to defend it against. Your single entry "why " was nonsense . Why would I defend my point against someone who might agree with me?
"Peaceful assembly of workers"? That may be so in N.Z. but not in England believe me. "Free speech" is another nonsense as it doesn't apply to union actions.
Employers use a lockout to ensure the safety and security of the site something they have every right to do. The strikers are not unemployed and will almost certainly not be victimised. I say almost certainly because only once to my memory has an employer threatened to fire his work force en-masse and the strike ended 2 days later.
An individual may withdraw their labour if they wish. They will then receive a warning letter about their lack of attendance. After 1 week they will get another warning them that they are in imminent danger of being dismissed. 2 weeks later they will be sacked. 1 Person cannot strike and is considered absent without cause. I know this because I once sacked such a person.

By Polymath | 8 years ago
Wylted: What do you call forcing 61% of a workforce to lose their wages by striking when they voted against it.
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Polymath: No union can force 61% of people to strike or prevent scabs from working in the 39% place.

Also the admin is rifht. If you start a thread supporting a position, you should provide premises for you position. This site is not meant for proselytizing.
By Polymath | 8 years ago
Wylted: In England a union must have a secret ballot of its members before striking. Once the union has 39% approval it can legally call for strike action.The remaining 61% of the ballot doesn't matter. 100 ballot=61% against-39% for= Strike. The 61% must obey the unions actions.

" Proselytising "? You debate your way and I'll debate my way.
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Polymath: I don't see why it matters.