Republican Jesus
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Mar 20 2015 6:48 PM
Yeah. We all know that New Zealand is God's Own Country (tm), so we might as well stop the arguments.
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This is probably the fourth most important passage in the bible I've read in my lifetime
Well that was extensive.
The answer to this dichotomy is simple. Jesus said give unto Caesar what is Caesars and told his followers to pray in secret, fast in secret, give in secret. Do not let the right hand know what the left is doing. Politics is a very earthly and public realm, a realm that Jesus said to keep separate from your spiritual realm. He never told us to enact kingdoms based on these principles but rather live our personal lives that way.
That being said, a charity state is unsustainable and inherently unfree. Many Republicans are Christians that is true but they do not subscribe to that sort of politics. They're largely separate issues.
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Politics is a very earthly and public realm, a realm that Jesus said to keep separate from your spiritual realm. He never told us to enact kingdoms based on these principles but rather live our personal lives that way.
Jesus never said to not bring your ideals to a bigger stage. In fact, that was what he did.
To say Jesus was separate from politics would be wrong. Jesus didn't fight the system by complaining. He showed the right way for the system to act through his actions. Government will always exist. Jesus set an example for the right government.
Democratic governments are not centered in a group of select people, but everybody living in the nation. Government is the best resource for helping others, so by denying it as a conduit for good, we are going against the will of god.
That being said, a charity state is unsustainable and inherently unfree
When Jesus could of gave immense power to the poor at the Mt, he chose to give bread and fish. Should we, as a collective society, give everything towards helping others? I think so, but if that is going to far, how about we start with a 10% dedication towards god and his people?
Many Republicans are Christians that is true but they do not subscribe to that sort of politics. They're largely separate issues.
Republicans like to use Jesus a lot when defending issues like "Gay Marriage" and "Abortion." Whether you believe in this practice or not, it happens. Therefore I should be granted the same right to defend my beliefs using religion.
I understand that they like to invoke religion when it's convenient for an issue. I think that's wrong.
I don't think Christians should really care about or really be involved in politics and government anyways if we're really looking at it. Christians are supposed to be in the world but not of the world. What's more of this world than politics? I can't think of much...
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I don't think Christians should really care about or really be involved in politics and government anyways if we're really looking at it. Christians are supposed to be in the world but not of the world. What's more of this world than politics? I can't think of much...
Christians are taught specific ideals from the bible. It isn't about Christianity mixing with politics, as much as it is the ideals we garner from Christianity being made integral into politics.
We cannot trade in our believes whenever we reach a new threshold.
And in response to your picture referencing Mark 10, you forgot the next lines.
The disciples asked "Then who among us can be saved?" and Jesus replied:
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”
Mark 10:27
We alone can't be saved, and we alone can't give up our earthly possessions so easily but with God and Jesus such things are possible and so is forgiveness for such oversight.
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I agree. The problem is forcing taxation on people and forcing charity on others isn't Christlike either. Which is what a socialist state does. Forces people to be charitable.
That's why it should remain in the private sphere. I believe in freedom, I want a government that allows everyone to be as free as possible. High regulations, taxes, entitlements, takes this away from people. Freedom allows Christians to act as freely as they want in their private lives. Who will have enough energy or capital to invest in charity and Christian works if the government sucks it all away? Even if it is in the name of Christ.
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The problem is forcing taxation on people and forcing charity on others isn't Christlike either.
It isn't force when it is optional. Perhaps a society dedicated towards giving a little to help others isn't right for them, and they should find a new society?
I believe in freedom, I want a government that allows everyone to be as free as possible.
Yet many people are enslaved to poverty and poor health. How can they better themselves from a position of disadvantage? There is a moral responsibility to help.
Who will have enough energy or capital to invest in charity and Christian works if the government sucks it all away?
Perhaps if we prioritized we could manage that 10% without problem. The government wastes a lot of money on a lot of things. I do not consider helping others to be one of them. Do you need examples?
We alone can't be saved, and we alone can't give up our earthly possessions so easily but with God and Jesus such things are possible and so is forgiveness for such oversight.
It becomes even more evident that it is hard to do the right thing.
Problem is we're taxed wayyyyy higher than 10% and most of us give 10% on top. There's not much left anymore.
And taxes are not optional lol
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I'm not referencing 10% in taxation. 10% is the minimum of what should be given back to society overall. Dare I say even more?
And taxes are not optional lol
Tell that to my friend who wants to return debtors prison. No one is being forced to do anything.
Free will exists even in bondage. Living in the United States, no one is being stopped from switching captors.
Well currently the government gives back wayyyyy more than 10%.
Entitlements are by far the largest chunk of our annual budget.
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Well currently the government gives back wayyyyy more than 10%.
Entitlements are by far the largest chunk of our annual budget.
Which is why I defend the status quo, while others try to defeat it. The problem isn't the money being funneled into social services. but entities like the military. We have a good thing going. A proactive helpful society that most in the past could never fathom. Why would anyone want to ruin such a good thing? Let's make it better.
Well because currently its unsustainable. Eventually we won't be able to print anymore trillions of dollars and then we'll all be shit out of luck.
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We wouldn't need to print more money if the currency we had was spread more evenly. I would also reduce the oppressive Millitary-Industrial complex to save money.
Remember, helping people never backfires in the long run. The hearts and minds of the people are the most valuable resource a country can have.
It's not about spreading it more evenly. It's that we're spending more than we take in.
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Helping people doesn't cost anything unless we want it to. Money only exists because it is accepted by everybody as legitimate. We have the power to assist people using the law.
Instead of using money to help people, we can draw a line making it a civil responsibility to help those in need, much like how it is a civil responsibility to serve on a jury.
The fact that citizens are required to pay ridiculous co-pays and deductibles to receive medical assistance shows just how screwing up society is. I thought being an American national would give me a deeper connection to other Americans. We are not a unified society, rather a group independent citizens working to our own personal gain living within the same borders. Am I wrong for wanting to change that?