Recent forum posts by TowerOfBabel
Serious Problem2015-03-24 08:20:09
That's not it. I've been here a few days. No one is debating. No one posts in the forums except for you and Larz. There are no debates to judge. No one to debate me. And to cap it all off when I asked...
Serious Problem2015-03-24 08:06:47
Well peace out y'all. Not the kind of community for me.
Serious Problem2015-03-24 08:04:48
Just saying what people told me. You can have the smallest community in the world for all I care. I was just alarmed that 3 separate members complained about being driven from the site by a single user...
Serious Problem2015-03-24 07:20:59
They told me that they got a lot of "heat on the site" which forced them to leave. And I said that was odd and asked who was giving you heat and they replied that, and I quote, "Larz told...
Serious Problem2015-03-24 02:50:48
This is just what people told me when inquiring about why no one hangs out here. Don't shoot the messenger.
Serious Problem2015-03-23 15:40:01
AND on top of it. They all said Larz told them not to mention it or talk about it.
This is bad business. Terrible business actually. I'm no longer surprised the only people here are the admins.
Serious Problem2015-03-23 15:37:30
So I've been inquiring on DDO about why people aren't debating here more and giving it a chance etc. I'm trying to only debate here, or that's what I proposed. But I've heard now from 3 separate users,...
300 members!2015-03-23 13:50:51
I feel like we need to get out and get the word out about this site on the web better... It needs a community :(
Blitz Debate2015-03-21 08:37:42
What does the 1 week prep time do? The debate won't start for a week after it's accepted? Do you get to know the topic for a week? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a blitz debate?
Republican Jesus 2015-03-21 06:46:46
You're not wrong. I just want the methods to be sustainable.
And we do have a culture like that. Americans give more to charity, both in gross numbers and percentage of their income of any other nation...
When we vilify our enemies 2015-03-21 06:37:28
I don't disagree. The problem is I'm just not sure what kind of solutions will work on ISIS. I don't have a solution presently.
Republican Jesus 2015-03-21 06:36:55
It's not about spreading it more evenly. It's that we're spending more than we take in.
When we vilify our enemies 2015-03-21 06:33:37
Oh I agree totally.
Hindsight is 20/20 and our meddling in the region has caused its present chaos.
Republican Jesus 2015-03-21 06:23:43
Well because currently its unsustainable. Eventually we won't be able to print anymore trillions of dollars and then we'll all be shit out of luck.
When we vilify our enemies 2015-03-21 06:23:07
Well we got rid of a dictator who was killing his own people and a militant fundamentalist government that was topping the list of human rights violations so...
When we vilify our enemies 2015-03-21 06:22:25
Well there has been. We REBUILT those countries when we could have let them rot. Supplied them with governments, ideals, security training, weapons, money, so much money.
When we vilify our enemies 2015-03-21 06:16:20
Well there has been. We REBUILT those countries when we could have let them rot. Supplied them with governments, ideals, security training, weapons, money, so much money.
Republican Jesus 2015-03-21 06:14:15
Well currently the government gives back wayyyyy more than 10%.
Entitlements are by far the largest chunk of our annual budget.
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