I sue you because you want to sue.
I sue you for not using the username EsocialBookworm on this website
Master of awesomeness
I sue you because you stole my dog.
I sue you for letting him steal your dog.
Forti Animo:
I sue you for calling me out on it.
I sue you for calling me out for calling you out.
Forti Animo:
I sue you for misspelling Anime in your name
Master of awesomeness
I sue you for thinking I misspelt my username when I did not.
Forti Animo:
I sue you for suing me.
Master of awesomeness
I sue you for suing me for suing you
Forti Animo:
I sue u 4 suin' me 4 suin' u for suin' me
Master of awesomeness
I sue you for badtalking Sue.
Forti Animo:
I sue you for loving Endarkened Rationalist, who does not even exist on edeb8.
Master of awesomeness
Forti Animo:
I sue you for being in love to a guy who doesn't even have an image as a profile picture :3
Master of awesomeness
I sue you for not realizing no picture could encompass his beauty
Forti Animo:
lol, I sue you for having no picture
Master of awesomeness
I sue you for being a space king.
I sue you for being a cool dude.
Master of awesomeness
i sue you for not also calling me a bro.