Chickadee is the one true Mod of the site
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Sure, but not all expressions of belief are legitimate on this site. Sorry. For example, if I wanted to advocate terrorism, I would not be allowed to do so on these forums (again, for good reason).
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You're right. Religion is OK. But tenants of that religion that violate other clauses of the ToS, such as posting spam, are not.
Also sorry, removed your comment by mistake that time.
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But it is simply not spam. It is efforts to brighten the days of these members, by showing them that, yes, there is Chickadee out there, He is your mod, and He is the man of salvation. So I have not violated a tenet of the ToS.
On the bright side, at least he isn't going "Chickadee Akbar".
Yeah sorry, but you have. The common law of edeb8 has already determined that:
Posting stuff in a reply that is irrelevant and potentially inflammatory is trolling. Sorry. I applied the same standard to RM too. Which I will note is explicitly contrary to the site ToU.
Posting stuff in every or most forums in a short period of time on a single topic is spam (among other things). Again, explicitly contrary to the site ToU.
Posting stuff claiming the site has a different moderator does not contribute to a healthy online community. There was some discussion about this one at one point. Nonetheless I stand by it.
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It is not irrelevant nor inflammatory, nor are any of your other charges remotely true, which is blatantly obvious. You have been discriminatory towards a solely peaceful, loving religion. If that is against your ToS, to spread this loving religion, then ban me! To The Religious Forum(Hell) I care about it. I don't sweat your inefficient banning system, which has allowed notable trolls to be shielded under your pity, while you take action much less extreme and hateful than those, but with which you wish to ban right on the spot. If you're going to ban me, then do it! Or just stop discriminating against my non-harmful system of beliefs, and allow me to share it with others, to my free will.
I'm not going to ban you if you haven't broken rules since my final warning. If you want to be banned, you know how.
I'd gladly defend that I was fair in this in a debate. And further, that no notable trolls are shielded on edeb8.
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Would you not call RxR a troll, who, in this very forum, has posted things more hateful, shameful, and irrelevant than anything I have ever posted? If this is your system of justice, then I'll affirm more clearly that you are a false mod, and that Chickadee is the one true Mod, of all sites, including this one.
Also, way to delete my first post.
Would you not call RxR a troll, who, in this very forum, has posted things more hateful, shameful, and irrelevant than anything I have ever posted?
He has bordered on it, but so far as I can tell it's all relevant opinions. What you did was post something irrelevant and reactionary. From the RxR posts I've seen he's never done that. Can you give an example of such a hateful/shameful/irrelevant post.
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I'm so sorry. Deleted your post twice by accident. I really need to move my remove post button further away from my reply button haha
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In reply though, he was claiming the superiority of edeb8 over ddo on stupid grounds. How is that hateful, shameful, and irrelevant?
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Well, will you at least reply to what I posted earlier?
Yip. See my subsequent post. He was claiming the superiority of edeb8 over ddo on stupid grounds. How is that hateful, shameful, and irrelevant?
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The same way it's not irrelevant to talk about Chickadee un-necessarily. Though it could be spam. I've let comparative threads slide before generally speaking.
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New site fix: me double clicking on the reply to post button by accident should now no longer remove the comment. I think my mouse was being off today.
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Difference is, you're almost banning me, threatening it hard, and deleting my threads, while you let RxR off with an unlimited supply of free passes. This so-called 'modding' of yours is really just a steaming pile of bullshit. Good thing you're a false mod, and I have no respect for your powers. I only respect Chickadee, the one true Mod, of this site.
Deleting threads is by accident. Apologies for that.
Ban threats are legitimate. I'm simply being consistent with my application of rules.
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Consistency my ass. Be consistent with RxR for once, instead of your pity, with which I have been informed about. You are no respectable Mod. Any old programming schoolboy can have buttons that make fancy things happen. However, you lack what a true Mod possesses, what Chickadee possesses, what even Airmax possesses most of the time. And that is respect. You have the respect of no one. And that is why you are no mod.
What others call "pity" I generally call "not judging people for their actions on DDO". If you ignore a user's online reputation, I think you'll find my actions make sense. People have asked me to ban countless members before they even did anything on here.
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Yet that thread proves how correct I am. You just willingly ignore to fit what's in your fucked-up 'moderating' agenda. If what they call what you do on this site moderating, then I am Internet Jesus. Or, more appropriately, Internet Chickadee.