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Predictions for 2017

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By admin | 8 years ago
What's going to happen? Should be pretty crazy if last year is anything to go by.
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Dassault Papillon
By Dassault Papillon | 8 years ago
admin: The Front Nationale will take power in France. Alternative fur Deutschland will make significant gains in the Bundestag. ISIL will be expelled from Iraq. Turkey will invade northern Iraq. Russia will not invade the Baltics or Ukraine.
Dassault Papillon
By Dassault Papillon | 8 years ago
There will be a political revolution in Venezuela. There will be a Third Intifada in Israel over settlements in the West Bank.
By admin | 8 years ago
Dassault Papillon: Woah, some pretty insane ones here.

uhm ... I predict there will be no significant change to NZ's government in our upcoming elections?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
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By Polymath | 8 years ago
I predict there will be a race war in the U.S. and the coloureds will win.
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Polymath: Nope Trump is going to bring us together and will win at least 40 percent of the black vote next term, and freedom in America will be secured for the next 20 years. I know Bannon is aiming for 75% of the black vote, but honestly I don't think that many blacks will awake from their brainwashing .
By Polymath | 8 years ago
Wylted: Brainwashing?. Brainwashing?. This is the first I have heard of this. Please tell me more. Go to my message box.
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Polymath: To put it simply. I am merely talking about rhe pandering of Democrats as well as the indoctrination unintentionally by liberal teachers and intentional by media. "Brainwashing" is obvious hyperbole.
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Polymath: How do you win a race war?
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: What do you specifically mean by "brainwashing"?
How are liberal democrats brainwashed (as a hyperbole)?
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By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: School, media, and news have a liberal slant as evidenced by the presupposed liberal worldview they teach and talk from. This presupposed view is imprinted on the subconscious minds of youth and they are liberal by default. To be conservative you actually have to study policy issues and philosophy, accept for the rare conservative who is indoctrinated through an evangelical upbringing.
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: School, media, and news have a liberal slant as evidenced by the presupposed liberal worldview they teach and talk from.
Well, I won't deny that. The principles of egalitarianism, human rights, and multiculturalism is more widespread in our modern society. Especially with the rise of globalization.
This presupposed view is imprinted on the subconscious minds of youth and they are liberal by default.
Yes, most are since they are raised in a liberal society and culture.
To be conservative you actually have to study policy issues and philosophy, accept for the rare conservative who is indoctrinated through an evangelical upbringing.
To be properly affiliated with any ideology requires you know what policy issues and/or society you advocate for.
Also, by definition, conservatism is advocating for retaining past social institutions which makes it limited to the specific society. So, conservatism by definition is culturally arrogant and largely ignorant (since it narrows its thought to specific institutions rather than the possibility of different sustainable societies with different influences). Of course, this isn't to say that all conservatives are ignorant about human society, just that their ideology entails it.
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: Also, conservatism and liberalism are not inconsistent. You can be a conservative and liberal, and American Conservatives tend to be both, since the U.S. was in many ways a liberal society (can't say slavery and gender political inequality is liberal, but its overall framework largely was).
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: Actually slavery is something liberals support by default because they don't believe in the concept of self ownership. They believe the government owns you, except for when they Argue for murdering babies.

Aso I take offense to you saying conservatives are not egalitarian. Conservatives actually support egalitarian laws as opposed to special laws meant to favor certain groups at the expense of others as liberals support. Liberals may pretend to be for equality, but I think most are openly antiegalitarian.
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: I am referring to the actual ideological concepts, not the politicized "liberal vs conservative" terms. Liberalism holds to the concept of liberty, equality, and human rights. Human rights prevents anyone from owning you. For slavery to exist, property rights must apply to people. So, liberalism does hold to self-ownership and not slavery.

Where did I say that conservatives are not egalitarian? I never did, you just assume that. I said that American conservatism is largely based on liberalism, since they also accept human rights, liberty, and equality under the law. Similarities to classical liberalism. Conservatism and liberalism are not opposite, even though modern politics and the media are trying to make it a conservative vs liberal battle. The big difference is fiscal and social conservative policies vs social liberal policies.
Liberals by definition are egalitarian, if they are anti-egalitarian, then they are opposed to equality and can't count as a liberal. Whether equality is a good thing is a debatable question in itself (you seem to think it is, like most do).
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: Egalitarian ism is a good thing. Equality is neutral. If you are defining liberalism that way, then technically I am a liberal. Which I reject. I do not believe in marxism and did not riot tgis past election. I also believe in a constitutionally,limited government.
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By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: You seem to be a liberal. Constitutionally limited government with equality is liberal. You are also conservative if you advocate for retaining traditional social institutions. Marxism and Liberalism are separate ideologies.
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: I define liberalism as meaning pro statism, and conservatism as anti statism. It is like a scale. The most liberal side being marxists, and the most conservative side of the scale being proper anarchists. I vome closer to the antistatist end of the scale, and therefore am conservative, and this is also the modern usage of the words, so a more accurate definition.
By Bi0Hazard | 8 years ago
Wylted: American conservatism is a statist ideology.
It is like a scale. The most liberal side being marxists, and the most conservative side of the scale being proper anarchists.
That is a totally inaccurate dichotomy. Liberalism is an ideology in itself, it stands alone from Marxism. Also, Marxism is not statist, it postulates a means to a stateless society. Conservatism is relative by society, but it is based on preserving traditional social institutions in society.

U.S. conservatives are liberals.
By Wylted | 8 years ago
Bi0Hazard: That's because RINOs like Bush and Romney infiltrated the party. Once we kick out the Demo rats from the party, it will be small government again
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