Political Quiz
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This test is designed to show which candidate is most aligned to your views in the 2016 presidential election, but also includes some interesting information, such as a political compass and juxtaposed views (isolationism vs interventionism, capitalism vs socialism, etc). I'd appreciate it if you took the quiz and noted a) which candidate you were most aligned with, b) your political compass (i.e. right-wing libertarian/left-wing authoritarian), c) any other interesting facts, d) the link to your results. Thanks!
(Also be sure to note that on most topic areas, you can click "show x more y questions." If you answer all of the questions, it will inevitably yield more accurate results. However, you aren't required to answer every question. For example, if there is one you don't fully understand or really don't have an opinion, rather than choosing randomly [which could decrease the accuracy of your results] simply don't answer. Also, if neither simply 'yes' or 'no' doesn't represent your stance, there is the "other stances" option, which will most of the time provide three or four other stances from which to choose)
My results:
Candidate: Ben Carson (90%), Ted Cruz (88%), Bernie Sanders (34%), Hillary Clinton (21%)
Compass: Right wing centrist
Interesting: Traditional >
Progressive, Small Govt. >
Big Govt., Environmentalism
< Anthropocentrism, Equality < Liberty, Capitalism >
Socialism, Isolationism >
Interventionism, Unilateralism
< Multilateralism
Link: (Just realized it gives away location... if you add the political things as I have done in the above section, there is no need to provide link)
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
Where's the link to the actual test so we could do it though? XD
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Let's revive the forums!
Oh.. wow. Sorry!!!
I feel so dumb. Lol
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u

Well... I'm 91% Bernie Sanders. 81% Hillary Clinton... and my top republican is Rand Paul, followed by Donald Trump.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!

Apparently I'm 80% Bernie Sanders, 75% Hillary Clinton - my top three are Democrats and the rest are Republicans. Apparently my top Republican is Donald Trump - which I find rather hard to believe.
I'll admit that not being American I did tend to tick a lot of "I don't feel strongly" type options, although I did answer every question,
As always with these things, I'm pretty much smack in the centre, this time slightly left and slightly Authoritarian.
Your political beliefs would be considered moderately Left-Wing on an ideological scale, meaning you tend to support policies that promote social and economic equality."

90% Trump 80% Santorum & Fiorina 78% Cruz
66% Clinton
Centrist slight dip towards Legislated Morality
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal Lobotomy - Tom Waits
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
Lol. Democratic socialist, I see. ;P That's nice. I'm sorry I'm so late in response, I didn't get a notification. :/
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
Nice. I'm not surprised you align with Donald Trump more than any other Republican. He's an independent... more moderate than most candidates (except for his extreme views on some subjects [i.e. immigration])
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
Sorry. That happens if you reply to the thread as opposed to replying to the post. So that the site doesn't have to send hundreds of emails when somebody posts on the last post wins thread or something, which might cripple it lol. Next time I'd reply to you.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
Thanks for the poll, I Like the spherical graph many people consider political spectrum a straight line left/right this much more realistic. That was a fun exercise
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal Lobotomy - Tom Waits

I agree!
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
Oh, that's fine!
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
I took this back in way back in the Spring and still received similar results.
My Results:
Marco Rubio 83%, Carly Fiorina 80%, Rand Paul 79%
Compass: Right-Wing Libertarian
I also liked how mine said Populism
< Elitism 98%. Strange enough, I know for a fact I would never vote for my top 2 and am very hesitant to vote for the third. I take experience and accomplishment far more into account than agreement, hence why I am an elitist. It is very close to an accurate assessment of me with the exception of multi-lateralism.
True Capitalist Acolyte:
Haha, wow! Quite elitist, I must say. ;P Interesting, thanks for sharing.
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u

My results:
92% Rubio, 92% Carson, 89% Cruz, 83% Trump
Your political beliefs would be considered strongly Right-Wing on an ideological scale, meaning you tend to support policies that promote economic freedom and a society based on morals and values.
Those tests are always fun to do.