Preemptive strikes and nukes
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Also, I googled "white book" but I couldn't find what you were talking about.
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May 12 2016 6:23 AM Dassault Papillon:
We can argue what is illegal all day, though your defensiveness on the issues is telling.
But you asked what is morally ok, not legally ok. Your original question was whether they have been a model player.
Let me ask you, has New Zealand been involved in any comparable scandals since 1992? I didn't think so. The US has its own faults, as does China and Russia. There is a lot of resentment to the US too, just like China and Russia, and I don't think it's ENTIRELY unjustified.
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May 12 2016 6:27 AM Dassault Papillon:
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New Zealand hasn't been involved in a lot of scandals because New Zealand hasn't been involved in a lot of wars (small country, small military). That really is all there is to it.
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May 12 2016 6:29 AM admin:
It's actually worth reading btw
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May 12 2016 6:29 AM Dassault Papillon:
Not being involved in a lot of wars sounds like a great idea to me
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May 12 2016 6:31 AM admin:
Oh shoot, this is the WW1 edition. Hang on, there was a second one somewhere...
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Dassault Papillon:
that would explain why the U.S. is so hated, it gets involved in so many conflicts.
Dassault Papillon:
So that would mean to achieve greater peace, you need to get less involved in conflicts.
Not really. What it means is "to be more popular, get involved in less conflicts." Warmongering on behalf of international security, stability, and prosperity is a dirty job for sure but somebody has to do it. The UN could do it (which is what I proposed), but at the moment they aren't doing crap so the United States as the world's superpower has to step up to the plate.
Dassault Papillon:
Are you saying we need war? If so, then why?
That's not what I'm saying. If nobody went to war, that'd be great. However, as long as this is a multinational planet there is a risk of war breaking out. What the world needs is a powerful military force which will deter countries from attacking each other (and, thus, make the world more peaceful). Right now the United States Armed Forces largely serve this purpose, but the US won't always be the top dog so the UN needs to take on that role at some point.
Dassault Papillon:
Here is what you said:
Warmongering on behalf of international security, stability, and prosperity is a dirty job for sure but somebody has to do it.
If it means what I think it means then your saying we always need someone to start a war.
You seem to think the world needs a more powerful nation to beat other countries to stop attacks. However, wars still happen and the U.S. has just been more hated because of some of its interventions. A strong military is great for defense but getting involved in other conflicts should be a last resort. We should have alliances and help the other but not cause wars.
The US is more hated, yes. But that doesn't determine whether military intervention is right or wrong. I did not say that we need to start wars. What I said was that when somebody does start a war, there needs to be a strong military to retaliate against the aggressor. This is how peace is assured: make it so that no country dares attack another.
Dassault Papillon:
Why not stay out of other countries business?
I am thinking the U.S. should lean towards Isolationism like it did before.
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May 12 2016 9:26 PM Bi0Hazard:
I still think international trade is cool but I can see why many in the US feel this way.
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I am mostly referring to war and conflicts like that. I don't think we should stop all international trade. The U.S. should remain neutral in conflicts.
Dassault Papillon:
You are literally saying that peace is achieved through fear.
If this were a movie, that's something the bad guys would say.
Peace is achieved through deterrence. It's the same principle behind why countries have police forces, and why the Cold War never went hot. We can certainly use peaceful means to make this world a better place so that war is inherently less desirable, sure; but at the same time deterrent force would still be needed to some extent. If deterrent force works well enough then it won't ever have to be used.