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By Kasmic | 9 years ago
I often find it amusing when people argue over the meaning of words. There seem to be at least two positions to take. (No its not meant to be an either or type of thing, I have just noticed two different approaches to semantics.)

1: Communication Efficiency

Does it matter if a word is used incorrectly if the intended meaning was understood?

2: Correct Communication

You should say what you mean, and be told when using words incorrectly.

What do you guys think?

One of my writers published an article addressing this issue. Here is her article if you are interested.

By admin | 9 years ago
Kasmic: Like most things it depends on the context. Oftentimes semantics is like a continuum between the two positions, as you say. I feel like people are capable of being more like (1) when they're discussing something with their pals, and (2) when they're checking their CVs or something. People slip in and out of different roles in different contexts.
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Dassault Papillon
By Dassault Papillon | 9 years ago
Kasmic: Kasmic is that you?
By Kasmic | 9 years ago
Dassault Papillon: Yes, I am kasmic.
By ListenSally | 9 years ago
admin: Interpersonal skills will probably never be mastered. Individually we must strive for the best we can. Factors of many types come to play such as skill level (including definition and construction knowledge), temperment (personnality and mood), environment (comfort or unease), effort (aggressive or lazy), different degrees of interest, goals and there are many other factors that may seem irrelivant that can effect the seed we sow.

If that is not complcated enough these apply to both the giver and the reciever squaring the potential outcome. Digital vs audible vs face to face dialog is also a major factor. We may rarely hit the mark, so we should be pleased when we're close and learn what we can from these interactions.
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal Lobotomy - Tom Waits