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By 9spaceking | Dec 8 2014 8:53 AM
I don't know.
Master of awesomeness
By Bolshevik- | Dec 8 2014 9:21 AM
Thumbs up from:
Victory: http://www.edeb8.com/forum/Games/828
By 9spaceking | Dec 8 2014 1:21 PM
stop trying to ruin my strategy,
Master of awesomeness
By admin | Dec 9 2014 12:30 AM
9spaceking: Are you going to make us all so fed up with this pointless thread that we don't bother posting?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By 9spaceking | Dec 9 2014 2:06 AM
Maybe, Maybe I willl..... *evil grin
Master of awesomeness
By Bolshevik- | Dec 9 2014 2:11 AM
9spaceking: WHAT DOES IT MEAN!!??~~
Victory: http://www.edeb8.com/forum/Games/828
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:39 AM
Today I will build Grand Vanton. Today, my family will look and shout: "Ah, what an outstanding building! Our first son fails in comparison!" Today, I shall surpass all art—including my twin’s-- with my Grand Vanton!

First, mining diamonds and mixing it up with Titanium, I built strong walls for my Gran Vanton. Buying dingy flooring to contrast against that wall was not too hard, but laying down frizzy mats got my back too itchy for my liking. I also add a stair that is in a spot right in front of that front door--which was majorly gold, with a handful of auxiliary alloys surrounding it. Using uncommon plants, I adorn it as a canopy. Finally, I am almost to victory. I jump with joy, and I know that, with this final addition, Grand Vanton would turn into a paragon of a building. Only my skills would dub it, and only my skills. My twin would not put my Grand Vanton in his shadow—no, my Grand Vanton would put him in my shadow!

So, quickly going on to work, I climb Mount Hadnon for my final product—world-famous for amazingly striking out, hypnotizing anybody—ah, Rock of Yantaz, nothing’s stopping Grand Vanton from gaining you! But just as I am about to grasp a part of a Rock—I lost my footing and down, down I fall. I thought I was going to go SPLAT! And not hold onto my soul, for it will fly towards God… But at a last instant, a man with inhuman instincts grips my shirt, and all I saw was a holy light—this man was God for that instant.

“Vanton?? Is that you??” “God” said. And at that instant—

“Hortan!! My….my sibling! I—I don’t know what to say!”

That’s right…it was my sibling. I was so arrogant, I did want to crush him so bad, but in my actions, I forgot all about us as a family. I told him about this situation, and as I finish, admonition did not hit. Nothing involving scolding from my savior did slap. But I was full of contusions in my mind. I was only glad my sibling was on a mountain climb as I was falling to my doom.

I sigh: “I’m so sorry, Hortan. I….I think….my only way fix this is to….stop my work on Grand Vanton. It’s only fair for you.”

Hortan thought about it for a bit, brows furrowing. His pupils burnish in an instant: Aha! Building Vanton with you! That’s our solution! Changing Vanton’s sign isn’t hard at all!”

I grin at him. “Always a smart man, Hortan, always a smart man.”

Today Hortan and I will build Grand Honton. Today, my family will look and shout: "Ah, what an outstanding building! Our buildings fail in comparison!" Today, my sibling and I, will surpass all art—with our Grand Honton!
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:39 AM
spam test
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:40 AM
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:40 AM
on DDO you can't post duplicate posts
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:40 AM
but on Edeb8, theres such few ppl to spam...
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:40 AM
...and such great risk!
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:41 AM
(the admin has no mercy)
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:41 AM
.....most ppl don't abuse the spam system.
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:41 AM
smart, Admin, smart.
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:41 AM
you only take what you need.
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:41 AM
This is kind of boring really.
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:41 AM
Filling posts up on my own...
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:42 AM
...that takes zero strategy.
Master of awesomeness
By 9spaceking | Jan 3 2015 1:42 AM
this is going to be far less fun
Master of awesomeness
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