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By nzlockie | Feb 5 2014 9:57 AM
My fault, so my job to get rid of it...

By nzlockie | Feb 5 2014 9:58 AM
Ta Daaa!


Now, Adam Sandler or Adam Samberg?
By Pinkie | Feb 5 2014 12:19 PM
nzlockie: Sandler.

Night or Morning?
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.
By nzlockie | Feb 5 2014 12:27 PM
definitely Night.

You win an all expenses paid trip for 4, 3 weeks to NZ (or somewhere cool) or a brand new VW Golf.

You can only have one. Which do you choose?
By Pinkie | Feb 5 2014 12:33 PM
nzlockie: Trip. :)

Life or Death?
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.
By nzlockie | Feb 5 2014 1:23 PM
Pinkie: Haha nice. As a Christian to live is Christ and to die is gain.
I'd still choose life though, death is inevitable and will come eventually regardless.

Passive entertainment, (Books/TV/Movies etc)


Active entertainment, (Going "out"/Sport/Scrapbooking etc)

By admin | Feb 5 2014 6:55 PM
nzlockie: Passive entertainment. Like improving EDEB8.

Snowballs or sandcastles?
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Let's revive the forums!
By Pinkie | Feb 6 2014 7:48 AM
admin: Uh, I hate snow, but where there is sand there is a big body of water... sand?

Noise or Silence?
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.
By admin | Feb 8 2014 12:17 AM
Pinkie: Noise

Collecting stamps or collecting coins?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By Pinkie | Feb 8 2014 8:01 AM
admin: Coins.

Indoctrination or brainwashing, which is worse?
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.
By admin | Feb 8 2014 10:01 AM
Pinkie: Brainwashing.

Pencil art or watercolor art?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By Pinkie | Feb 8 2014 11:32 AM
admin: Watercolor.

Bath or Shower
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.
By admin | Feb 8 2014 12:49 PM
Pinkie: Bath

Public pool or ocean?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By Pinkie | Feb 8 2014 12:52 PM
admin: Uh, ocean, so that way I can stand on the beach and avoid the water.

Circus or Carnival?
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.
By admin | Feb 8 2014 1:20 PM
Pinkie: Circus

Penguins or polar bears?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By Pinkie | Feb 8 2014 3:57 PM
admin: Polar bears.

Ferris Wheel or RollerCoaster?
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.
By admin | Feb 8 2014 4:04 PM
Pinkie: RollerCoaster

Backgammon or cribbage?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By Pinkie | Feb 8 2014 4:07 PM
admin: Cribbage? Cause it sounds like cabbage. :P

Skateboard or RollerBlades?
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.
By nzlockie | Feb 8 2014 4:47 PM

"First round is for acceptance" or stating your definitions or whatever in the rules?
By admin | Feb 8 2014 5:43 PM
nzlockie: Stating it in the rules. Makes more sense to me.

For doing math - calculators or cellphones?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
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