I'm a huge fan of this site, despite my lack of presence for the last few months. I've been curious on people's thoughts; I know that the debates on this site are generally designed to mimic formal, scored debates ala debate clubs. I find, however, that watching live, real debates is much more stimulating in most cases than these more formal systems. I think that the judges on the site should give advice both based on scoring in formal debates advice based on the idea of a non-scoring debate, where the arguments are had for the sake of debate AND for the sake of considering both viewpoints.
Any thoughts from others?
Can you give an example of what you mean?
Do you mean suggesting possible alternative arguments?
Yeah, that's what I'm getting at. I think that the best judgements and comments are the ones that almost resemble a coaching form. But I also think the focus should be on improving arguments for soundness or suggesting better arguments.
I'm sorry if I'm not being entirely clear - I'm having difficulty putting this concept into words.
I agree that awesome judgments should have a coaching component. It's almost like adding a layer of feed-forward to the feedback already asked for by the site.
I still think all debates should have a winner though. You learn from your losses.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
I should add, though, that we do have an "unrated" option already for casual debates, which doesn't affect your record.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!