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Admin, where are you?

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By nzlockie | 7 years ago
It’s been many months. What’s going on?

Can you fix the stupid children sex offenders debates that keep populating please?
By nzlockie | 7 years ago
nzlockie: Just a bump to keep this thread front and centre...
By nzlockie | 7 years ago
Another bump
By Kohai | 6 years ago
I'm here if you need me
Assistant Edeb8 Mod. PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns!
By nzlockie | 6 years ago
Kohai: You could delete the child sex offender debates. They are bugs. They automatically repopulate as soon as they finish.
They’ve been doing this now for about 6 months.

By Kohai | 6 years ago
nzlockie: yep yep working on it. As soon as I find them in the database I'll delete them
Assistant Edeb8 Mod. PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns!
By Kohai | 6 years ago
One of the issues I'm having is that I can't find them in the damn database. What were the original topics?
Assistant Edeb8 Mod. PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns!
By nzlockie | 6 years ago
Kohai: They are part of a tournament. Maybe try deleting the entire tournament?
By Kohai | 6 years ago
nzlockie: OK. Which tourney are they a part of?
Assistant Edeb8 Mod. PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns!
By nzlockie | 6 years ago
Kohai: http://www.edeb8.com/forum/EDEB8.com+Site/1761
By nzlockie | 6 years ago
That's all I know
By Kohai | 6 years ago
nzlockie: I'll see what I can do. I have to go through a bunch of databases to find it. It's like finding a needle in a haystack
Assistant Edeb8 Mod. PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns!
By nzlockie | 6 years ago
Kohai: Well good luck! It will be appreciated!
By Kohai | 6 years ago
nzlockie: Thanks...if only the @admin was around
Assistant Edeb8 Mod. PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns!
By Defender | 6 years ago
I think Admin had totally forget about this site tho.....
By nzlockie | 6 years ago
Defender: I called him the other day, he’s just really busy with other projects.
By Defender | 6 years ago
nzlockie: Ok then.
By admin | 6 years ago
nzlockie: To be fair, it was more like two months ago. :P
Thumbs up from:
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By admin | 6 years ago
Kohai: Thank you so much for helping out! :)
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By admin | 6 years ago
nzlockie: It's weird, I thought all the tournament code was disabled. It did have quite a lot of bugs. I'll take a look.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
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