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5 Dimensional Policial Compass

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By lannan13 | Jan 9 2016 2:09 AM
I know that we have done the Political Compass quiz before, but I have found one that is not only more telling and explainitory than the Political Compass, but this one has much more that goes into it. I thought it would be fun if we all took this and compared score and such. http://www.abtirsi.com/quiz2.php

My results.

You are a: Objectivist Anarchist Total-Isolationist Moderate
Collectivism score: -100%
Authoritarianism score: -100%
Internationalism score: -100%
Tribalism score: 0%
Liberalism score: 0%
What is immoral for a individual to do is immoral for a government to do."- Rand Paul
"What fun is there in making sense?"- Discord
Defeat the Washington Machine, and Unleash the American Dream!
By admin | Jan 9 2016 2:21 AM
lannan13: I got this:

You are a: Communist Isolationist Bleeding-Heart Liberal
Collectivism score: 83%
Authoritarianism score: 0%
Internationalism score: -50%
Tribalism score: -83%
Liberalism score: 17%

It's also worth noting that they have some very specific definitions:

Collectivism refers economic intervention, whether the society or state should intervene in the economy to redistribute wealth from the more to the less successful. The negative percentages indicate opposition to such intervention.
Authoritarianism refers to state power to control the actions of individuals to prevent them from harming others or themselves, and also to establish the will of the majority over society. Negative percentages indicate opposition to state power.
Internationalism refers to political involvement in other nations or global affairs, either via war, treaty or international organizations. Negative percentages indicate isolationist beliefs, and the belief in national sovereignty.
Tribalism refers to identity or nationalism, favoring your own nation over foreigners. Negative percentages indicate opposition to national or ethnic identity and oriented towards pan-humanism.
Liberalism refers to acceptance of historically illegal or immoral social practices or customs. Negative percentages indicate opposition to such acceptance.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By lannan13 | Jan 9 2016 2:39 AM
admin: So what are your scores Larz?
What is immoral for a individual to do is immoral for a government to do."- Rand Paul
"What fun is there in making sense?"- Discord
Defeat the Washington Machine, and Unleash the American Dream!
By admin | Jan 9 2016 2:40 AM
lannan13: As I said:

You are a: Communist Isolationist Bleeding-Heart Liberal
Collectivism score: 83%
Authoritarianism score: 0%
Internationalism score: -50%
Tribalism score: -83%
Liberalism score: 17%
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By lannan13 | Jan 9 2016 2:40 AM
admin: Ah, I mistakenly missed that.
What is immoral for a individual to do is immoral for a government to do."- Rand Paul
"What fun is there in making sense?"- Discord
Defeat the Washington Machine, and Unleash the American Dream!
True Capitalist Acolyte
By True Capitalist Acolyte | Jan 9 2016 2:41 AM
I got Centrist Intervenionist Nationalist Traditionalist.

Collectivism: 0%
Authoritarianism: 0%
Internationalism: 17%
Tribalism: 17%
Liberalism: -17%
By Krazy | Jan 9 2016 2:44 AM

You are a: Conservative Anti-Government Nativist Fundamentalist

Collectivism score: -67%
Authoritarianism score: -33%
Internationalism score: 0%
Tribalism score: 67%
Liberalism score: -100%
By Krazy | Jan 9 2016 2:59 AM
Krazy: Not sure why it said that. I'm not anti-government.
By admin | Jan 9 2016 5:41 AM
Krazy: I'm not sure what this test is on about either really XD. I mean, seriously...

Liberalism refers to acceptance of historically illegal or immoral social practices or customs.

Do these people think liberals are slavers, now?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By Krazy | Jan 9 2016 8:33 AM
admin: I thought liberalism was the acceptance of new values. Conversely, conservatism is the retaining of old values. But these days, the political definitions are quite broad.

Some of these political tests are strange, but nonetheless fun to do anyways.

But "Anti-government", really? I believe government has only two roles, which are:

1. Defense (military)
2. Punishment of evildoers (law-enforcement).

But I don't think that's "anti-government". The job of the government is not to provide; it's to protect.

Do these people think liberals are slavers, now?
I think what their saying is that liberals like to be "liberated" of traditional beliefs in society.
By Krazy | Jan 9 2016 8:35 AM
Hence the name.
Dassault Papillon
By Dassault Papillon | Jan 9 2016 8:49 AM
admin: How the *expletive* did you get 83% collectivist yet 0% authoritarian? What the *expletive* is wrong with that test?
By admin | Jan 9 2016 11:05 AM
Dassault Papillon: Their wording is pretty careless in any event.

The percentages can probably be explained by my leaning towards civil rights and collective democracy, and my own flavor of liberal socialism.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By lannan13 | Jan 11 2016 3:20 PM
Dassault Papillon: Anarcho-Communist is a thing.
What is immoral for a individual to do is immoral for a government to do."- Rand Paul
"What fun is there in making sense?"- Discord
Defeat the Washington Machine, and Unleash the American Dream!
By admin | Jan 11 2016 10:28 PM
lannan13: I'm not anarchist either though. That would probably have been a negative percentage on the authoritarian scale. 0% is middle on this, remember?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By lannan13 | Jan 12 2016 6:33 AM
admin: Yes I do remember.
What is immoral for a individual to do is immoral for a government to do."- Rand Paul
"What fun is there in making sense?"- Discord
Defeat the Washington Machine, and Unleash the American Dream!
By Briannj21 | Apr 6 2016 7:21 AM
You are a: Right-Leaning Multilateralist Cosmopolitan Reactionary

Collectivism score: -33%
Authoritarianism score: 0%
Internationalism score: 50%
Tribalism score: -17%
Liberalism score: -67%
By Bifurcations | Apr 6 2016 11:00 AM
You are a: Communist Anti-Government Multilateralist Bleeding-Heart Progressive

Collectivism score: 100%
Authoritarianism score: -17%
Internationalism score: 67%
Tribalism score: -83%
Liberalism score: 67%

love the "bleeding-heart progressive" :P
By TheHouse | Apr 10 2016 2:29 AM
You are a: Socialist Pro-Government Multilateralist Cosmopolitan Progressive

Collectivism score: 67%
Authoritarianism score: 17%
Internationalism score: 50%
Tribalism score: -33%
Liberalism score: 50%