UN Action on Ukraine
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What should the UN do now that the Russians have hosted elections in Crimea? The Crimeans have voted to secede. War may be breaking out soon at this rate. I hope not.
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There's not much they can do. Russia has veto power on the Security Council which is the only body of the UN capable of doing anything in this situation. NATO, the EU and the US I think are going to posture and threaten but I doubt they'll do anything serious, even if Russia does take more chunks of the Ukraine.
There's not much they can do. Russia has veto power on the Security Council which is the only body of the UN capable of doing anything in this situation. NATO, the EU and the US I think are going to posture and threaten but I doubt they'll do anything serious, even if Russia does take more chunks of the Ukraine.

I don't know why that double posted. I'm still getting used to this site. My B dawg.
I agree, I don't see the UN doing anything at all due to China and Russia who can veto what they don't like. If Russia does take more land from Ukraine. You don't think the Ukrainians will fight? Some of their neighbors are riled up like Lithuania and Poland about Russian aggression.
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I think the Ukraine will fight yes, it will be futile but I think they'll at least try.
And I agree that the other states are afraid of Russian aggression but if you're in NATO or the EU I think you're pretty much safe. Russia can't handle fighting either organization in my opinion.
That's ducking retarded. If Hitler had veto power the world would be a shit place to live in.
I agree. I have the feeling that the Ukrainians will be annihilated in military conflict with the Russians.
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Yeah well the way the UN is structured they have veto power. I didn't give the Russians and Chinese veto power. Also, without UN Security Council approval countries would have to take independent action against the Russians who could then use the UN as a platform to complain about it.
The UN is bullcrap for reasons like this.

I actually agree with the above sentiments to a degree. Ukraine is not in a position right now to assert that they should own the Crimea, so no matter how much all the other countries do not recognise the vote that took place there, Russia's assertion of legitimate authority in the Crimea seems totally vindicated to me. I also think the security council thing is silly. Remember when Rwanda was on the security council that one time and vetoed any investigation while they were committing genocide?
But I do think the UN has a role in preventing further esculation of conflict, and that starts with stabilising the Ukraine. So long as the government of Ukraine remains a total mess the Russians can bully them into anything. Ukraine needs a strong and stable government again.
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The UN Security Council is lacks the cohesion to act on important events in most cases that I have observed.
I think that the stabilization of the Ukrainian government will take a long time at this point. I think more potential horror is being unleashed currently.
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It is official; Russia has annexed Ukraine. I didn't know annexation were taking place in the 21st century. Russia seems to be the leader thus far.
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I think what we need to ask ourselves if not whether or not Russia's claim is legitimate based on history, but how Russia will treat the people of Crimea. Will they continue to be administered by a repressive, dictatorial leader, or will they be prosperous and enjoy greater freedoms?
Russia has shown itself to be untrustworthy--or, more specifically, Putin has. Therefore, I oppose any expansion of Russia, not because I think that Russia should not necessarily join with Crimea, but because Putin is so bad a leader that I don't want him in charge of anything.
I would oppose it just because the vote is a total sham. If there was some slow transitional process I would fully support it. They're setting the crimea up for failure much like South Sudan set themselves up for failure.
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