Syrian Refugees Solution
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The U.S. builds a huge facility in the middle of Nevada (a desert state). In every direction is desert for miles and miles on end. This facility can shelter hundreds of thousands of people.
Syria and the US make an agreement that hundreds of thousands of refugees of the Syrian Civil War will go here until the conflict ends, after which they'll be sent back. Syria and the US sign an agreement that makes the camp officially Syrian property on a temporary basis (think of it like an embassy in this respect). Therefore, any person born in this camp is a Syrian citizen, not an American citizen. The U.S. will provide for the basic livelihood of the refugees. They'll be put under the tightest security conditions, and any refugee who tries to escape from the camp will either be re-captured or shot. Drones will patrol the deserts surrounding the camp, and anyone who has successfully escaped will be found and dealt with.
Dassault Papillon:
How will the US afford food, water and shelter for hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees - they're in massive debt without this huge addition of money being put into this?
And holding them in the camps against their will is a basic violation of their human rights. Killing those that run away or try to leave is inhumane and goes against our basic, universal, modern values.
Famousdebater from DDO.
We'd take those who wanted to take refuge here; if they didn't agree to live in this camp then they couldn't come here.
Dassault Papillon:
They have the right to change their mind. You can't kill them for changing their minds. That's an equally bad violation of their human rights.
Famousdebater from DDO.
How will the US afford food, water and shelter for hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees - they're in massive debt without this huge addition of money being put into this?
Just cut other spending(like national defense). However, it isn't going to help much anyways. The U.S. is doomed until they stop the reckless spending.
And holding them in the camps against their will is a basic violation of their human rights.
Can you point out where in the Universal declaration of human rights it says this? Something like it is probably in there.
Dassault Papillon:
I am not sure how many republicans would agree with this. They may have a another reason for opposing refugees.
Can you point out where in the Universal declaration of human rights it says this? Something like it is probably in there.
Articles 4, 7, 11 and most importantly 13.
Famousdebater from DDO.
Just cut other spending(like national defense). However, it isn't going to help much anyways. The U.S. is doomed until they stop the reckless spending.
Exactly. And what makes you think that the US will just cut other spending such as national defence?
Famousdebater from DDO.
Article 13 makes a good reason against this solution.
If they choose to do it. However, in practice, it will just add to the debt instead of spending cuts.
If they change their minds, then they can be sent home early.
The primary problems with Muslim refugees is the immediate fear of terrorism from them and later terrorism from their descendants. Neither one of these concerns can come to pass under this arrangement.

If they escape from the camp, they'll be guilty of entering the United States without permission. That would constitute a legitimate criminal offence by any reasonable standard.
Dassault Papillon:
Also violations of human rights would be happening on syrian soil so, not our fault.
"I am not wise, I am a joker" - Floki
"A warrior does not show his heart until the axe reveals it." - Floki
It would be our fault for choosing to allow them in and even not allow them in. Either we:
1. Not allow them to come.
2. Allow them, but restrict them in ways like movement (Like in
My Hands Are Yuge
3. Allow them without much restriction. Treat them as no different.
If you want no human rights to be violated, just allow them in without any restrictions violating their rights. However, many people are scared that this will allow many terrorists in our country.
Or you could just turn Syria into a democracy.
But they wouldn't be allowed in, all of this would be in area dictated as Syrian soil, so we can deny them as many human rights as we want and it's all syria's fault. Plus, it's still better than what would be happening to them in Syria.
"I am not wise, I am a joker" - Floki
"A warrior does not show his heart until the axe reveals it." - Floki
My Hands Are Yuge
model, yes.
It could be different though.