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Where do you get your news from?

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By admin | 11 years ago
TV? Newspaper? Word of mouth? Websites? Jon Stewart? Are you a fan of Al Jazeera or Fox or CNN?
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By Pinkie | 11 years ago
admin: The Economist.
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.
By nolongeractiveuser | 11 years ago
Pinkie: Is it conservative or liberal? I get mine from online. TV news is a joke. Extremely liberal, especially MSNBC. Newspapers are a joke too. Playing 5 dollars to read some biased trash? No way.
By admin | 11 years ago
nolongeractiveuser: I'd call the Economist pretty balanced. Individual writers have their biases but there's pretty much an equal selection of conservative and liberal ones, and none of them show it particularly overtly. Pretty much every debater I know likes it, both conservative and liberal ones.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By Pinkie | 11 years ago
admin: Yeah, and I use it for extemp also.
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By nolongeractiveuser | 11 years ago
Pinkie: For speaking?
By Pinkie | 11 years ago
nolongeractiveuser: A type of speech. http://www.stoausa.org/speech-events/limited-preparation-speeches/ext
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By JV-Stalin | 11 years ago
"He who stand on toilet is high on pot"- Confucius
By Pinkie | 11 years ago
JV-Stalin: Haha, really?
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.
By nzlockie | 11 years ago
I mostly get it from my wife.
I don't mind admitting that I'll get a bunch of it from social media and TV as well. I know it's biased but the bias is pretty obvious and not hard to negate.

I'm big enough to be able to form my own opinion. If an news story provokes my interest, I'll do a little independent research.
By Pinkie | 11 years ago
nzlockie: I don't have a wife so I have to find stuff out myself. :P
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By nzlockie | 11 years ago
Ugh. So inefficent. You should get a wife. That's legal in NZ now by the way...
By Pinkie | 11 years ago
nzlockie: No.
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By Username | 11 years ago
admin: The new york post. Yes I know it's incredibly biased, but it goes into so much detail in it's stories.
By Pinkie | 11 years ago
Username: It's liberal right?
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.