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"I thought of angels choking on their halos..." - Fall Out Boy
Forti Animo:
"Man is not free unless government is limited." -- Ronald Reagan
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"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
Dassault Papillon:
Figured, the way JMK was acting.
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
I'm ESocialBookworm, also known as Annie.

'' Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.''
Mark Twain

"To win your life you've got to lose it, and all the losers get a crown".
Forti Animo:
Thought so.
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
Dassault Papillon:
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u

You can tell how a man lived his life by the way that he walks to his execution.
Dassault Papillon:
Not necessarily... Some people don't care. :/

"They misunderestimated me." - George W. Bush
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u

"The two enemies of human happiness are pain and boredom" - Arthur Schopenhauer
True Capitalist Acolyte:
"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company." - George Washington
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
That sums up Washington in a nutshell "'tis better to be alone than in bad company."
". . . Morris. . . walked up to Washington, bowed, shook hands, and then placed his left hand on Washington's shoulder and said, `My dear General, I am very happy to see you look so well.' The response was immediate and icy. Washington reached up, removed the hand, stepped back, and fixed his eyes in silence on Morris, until Morris retreated into the crowd. The company looked on in dismay, and no one ever tried it again."
True Capitalist Acolyte:
"When angry, count ten, before you speak; if very angry, a hundred." - Thomas Jefferson
I'm sure he had to exercise this practice quite a few times with Alexander Hamilton.
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
True Capitalist Acolyte:
"I contend that the strongest of all governments is that which is most free." - William Henry Harrison
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
"War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength"- George Orwell
True Capitalist Acolyte:
"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." - Francis of Assisi
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u