Cenc |
Jun 21 2017 1:46 AM
I'm a little surprised that more people from DDO haven't come over to Edeb8 yet, especially regular posters. Regardless DDO's demise, there's things on here that I actually think are better; the forum responses/answers, username change option, as well as admin actually being active and responsive.
The users of DDO are nothing if not the most stubborn people that exist on the planet, and there was a general opposition to using edeb8 despite the fact that there's really nothing wrong with it. It's mostly just missing users.
Cenc |
Jun 21 2017 6:38 AM JonelleStorm:
Yep, if they enjoy debating/discussing then they may as well become active users here; DDO has basically become unusable, and this site is better quality.
Mikal and Subutai are offering to help Larz transfer people over here. At least from what I saw when I was able to log on to DDO.
Cenc |
Jun 21 2017 12:08 PM JonelleStorm:
Yeah I noticed, I did over 100 debates and had some pretty good stats...but I'll see as to whether I want to transfer any of that or not.
Which account are you on DDO?
Ah cool! I'm glad you're over here.