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Edeb8 team democrat vs team republican

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By admin | 9 years ago
Let's get this debate happening! Each debater should impersonate one character from the democrats or the republicans. The format will be 3v3 with reply speeches.

1. admin (Hillary Clinton)

1. ButterCatx (Donald Trump)

Sign up here :D
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By admin | 9 years ago
admin: Each debater speaks for one round in the debate, except the leaders (Trump and Hillary) who also get to do the final summation / reply speech.

The site would randomly determine who goes first.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By admin | 9 years ago
Casual bumping :)
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By ButterCatx | 9 years ago
Bump, please join. It would require almost no setup and you get to be an awesome candidate for president.
"I am not wise, I am a joker" - Floki
"A warrior does not show his heart until the axe reveals it." - Floki
By RXR. | 9 years ago
1. admin (Hillary Clinton)

1. ButterCatx (Donald Trump)
2. RXR. (Ben Carson)
By ColeTrain | 9 years ago
1. admin (Hillary Clinton)

1. ButterCatx (Donald Trump)
2. RXR. (Ben Carson)
3. ColeTrain (Marco Rubio)

However, I don't exactly understand what we'll be doing, but it sounds fun.
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
By ColeTrain | 9 years ago
admin: Could you explain what we'd actually be saying? Thanks! :)
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
By ButterCatx | 9 years ago
ColeTrain: You would aproach the debate as if you are the person that you are debating as, it will be more fun based than actual debating but you will facing off against a democrat and show them that GOP is better
"I am not wise, I am a joker" - Floki
"A warrior does not show his heart until the axe reveals it." - Floki
By ColeTrain | 9 years ago
ButterCatx: Ah, okay. So basically argue Rubio's (for me) platform vs a Dem? Should be easy. ;P jk, this will be fun :)
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
By ButterCatx | 9 years ago
ColeTrain: Yep and try to act as close to Rubio as possible, in what you say and how you act
"I am not wise, I am a joker" - Floki
"A warrior does not show his heart until the axe reveals it." - Floki
By ColeTrain | 9 years ago
ButterCatx: Sweet... This will be fun! :) )
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
By admin | 9 years ago
Nobody wants to join my team?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By ColeTrain | 9 years ago
admin: Nope. They don't like you. Lol, jk ;)
It's just we all know the GOP is *way* better. :P
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
By admin | 9 years ago
ColeTrain: Might have to do 3v1 if this continues lol. Otherwise O'Malley will probably quit before I get around to speaking for him XD.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
By ColeTrain | 9 years ago
admin: Ikr, lol. That's what I was thinking... He really has no reason to stay in... he's polling below 5% lol
I know the internet is infested with liberals, just need to draw them out. ;)
No, I'm kidding, you'll do fine!
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u
By nzlockie | 9 years ago
I guess I could do this, I'm just not really sure what the point is? I'm not trying to win or express my ideas, I just copy and paste someone else's?

I don't really follow American politics enough to parody someone.

Do I have the right idea of what you guys are doing here?
True Capitalist Acolyte
By True Capitalist Acolyte | 9 years ago
nzlockie: Well, it is very easy.

Clinton:Her eyes pop out of her head when she smiles.
O"Malley: Too boring to comment on.
Sanders: Is always angry.
Trump: Speaks very forthright and is vulgar.
Rubio: Drinks a lot of water.
Carson: Quiet, all too quiet and calm, he probably is up to something.

That is all you need to know to parody.
By ColeTrain | 9 years ago
nzlockie: It's more fun than a debate. It also accomplishes pairing notes between the two parties to see what is the most reasonable, and which candidates have expressed themselves the best. :)
"Man is not free unless government is limited" -- Ronald Reagan
Topics: http://tinyurl.com/oh9tm6u