admin |
Mar 2 2015 8:25 PM
One of my debates just went unjudged, so I really want to see this go up again! How about everyone pledges to judge a debate or two every week? That would be extremely useful.
Post your own ideas for things I can do to make judging more attractive here.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
Good Judgement must be base in truth, facts, reality and cannot be disputed.
There would be at least 3 - 7 judges only, before the debate goes and and along the way, if it still lacking.
Then after the debate send some notifications or memo via email or whatever medium it is for the Judges to judge.
The Notification goes along with The Rules and Guidelines of " How to Judge "
The Debater should also be notified of why these Judges Judge the debate.
So that a debater can comments for there JUDGING.
I'll be back for more Ideas.
The Old Path
olive 2:
Before you come back with more ideas, you should actually check out what the current process of Judging is here.
Most of that stuff, and more, is already taking place and implemented.
admin |
Mar 6 2015 4:37 PM olive 2:
The idea of nominating judges before the debate I implemented in the past. Other users disliked it and I removed it. Still, we beat DDO to implementing that feature by about a week
Signing up judges is kinda similar.
The problem with "how to judge" is that there is no absolute standard, only a couple of guidelines and a small number of things not to do. I've considered writing something up though. In fact, now that you mention it, I will. Give me a couple of days
Thanks so much for the input!
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!