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That violent video games should be censored

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MichaelHobertTheOnlyMichaelHobertTheOnly (PRO)
Thanks for posting this debate, I will not state whether or not I agree or disagree, I am only defending my side. 

We can probably both agree that children are impressionable. The statistics show that kids who play violent games are the same as kids that don't. But there are those few, that will see it and want to do what they saw done in the video game. Also, if the parents don't want them cussing then why expose them to it. If the parents don't want the children to see nudity then censor it. It's not fair that people want to make things that kids can't do.

Return To Top | Posted:
2019-02-14 05:08:10
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demonwarrior2266demonwarrior2266 (CON)
Hello. I posted my argument in the comment section. I am going to add a little bit, but I will basically just be re-posting it.

I do not believe that this is the answer There is something in the US called freedom of action. Anyone that allows themselves to be exposed to a violent game makes that choice themselves, and they and the supplying company (lets say Sony and the PlayStation for example) are no more guilty then someone watching a pornographic video, and the company supplying that. If violent games were censored, backlash would arise, and it would put many companies that thrive off of the money from violent games, like Activision and Call of Duty, would be put out of business for something that most people don't even want to happen, which is a loose-loose situation. Very few studies have looked at whether playing violent video games increases the chances of later delinquency, criminal behavior, or lethal violence. Such studies are difficult to conduct, and require very large numbers of children. There is no clear evidence to support the assumption that violent video games makes kids violent. Violent video games becoming censored just wouldn't work out. Plus, there are too many of them to censor them all, which makes this unrealistic anyway. Finally, there are much bigger problems causing violence out there, such as mental illness which cause the events, and easy access to unrestricted guns, which make these problems harder to stop. We should focus on these, not something that is, on an evidential scale, non-existent. Also, this is a very illogical method of stopping these problems. Choose a better method.

Return To Top | Posted:
2019-02-17 12:27:14
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