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That companies should be required to pay interns

8 points
0 points
BlackflagBlackflag (PRO)
There has been a movement among college youth. It is a requirement to undergo an internship process in the field you're majoring. Most corporations see this as an ample opportunity. The intern gets experience and the corporation gets free labor. Fair in most peoples eyes, but when we delve deeper, we see more problems arising with the concept. Interns are subject to harder working conditions than employees. All while struggling to live with no pay.

For your average college student, this is a tremendous burden to uphold. Throughout this debate, we will push all the ways in which paying interns would improve the life of the internet and the health of the corporation. We will have convinced you that corporations should ideally be paying their interns by the end of this debate.
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2014-12-09 09:27:32
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