1. We have agreed to debate whether a nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. This is not a debate on an opinion, ideal, or even a contentious issue. This debate at its core is a truism. A nuclear bomb was undeniably dropped on the Japanese port city of Hiroshima. 2. To fully understand the reality of the bombing, we need to first study the background revolving around the terrible events that took place . The decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the most catastrophic decision mankind has ever made. The cataclysm of the world's most testing struggle, World War 2. World War II was a godless conflict that killed over 72 million men, women, and children. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki claimed around 270,000 civilians. 200,000 of which came from the larger of the two cities, Hiroshima.
Proving Loss of Life
3. We can safely assume that 270,000 men, women, and children died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, due to several reliable sources. The US government, the Japanese government, the humanitarian organizations involved in the aftermath, and the testimonies of the local populace. Nature dictates that every man leaves behind some kind of mark on the world. For example, a tree can die with no acknowledgement from Humanity, but the seeds the tree sprouted will leave a mark on the world, carrying on the legacy of the original tree.
4. In the same way tree's leave their seeds behind as a mark of their existence, humanity will leave our remains and our descendants behind when we pass. We do not only have the bodies of the dead as factual evidence for the bombings, but their descendants who continue to live on and tell the story. There are at least two million testimonies, and a sizable amount of samples showing death by impact/radiation all tracing back to the date of the bombings.
5. For these reasons, it is known with absolute certainty that a large number of people died on August 6th, 1945. It is also known that the majority of these deaths were caused by factors that could only be produced through nuclear explosion.
Proving Structural Damage
6. Model 1: Before and After The Attack on Hiroshima

7. Model 1 displays two authentic historical photogaphs showing the before and after of the Hiroshima nuclear bombing. It is well known 200,000 people perished of nuclear radiation and impact in a span of one day. It would be fair to conclude these deaths were a result of something other than coincidence. Since no weapons existed of such magnitude in 1945 except what was known as the Atomic Bomb, we can deduce the loss of life and property can only be attributed to said Atomic Bomb.
8. Therefore we know beyond all "reasonable" doubt that Hiroshima was struck by an explosive device produced through nuclear fission.
Empirical Evidence
9. Model 2: Research Footage of the Atomic Bomb being Dropped Over Hiroshima
10. This footage was taken before the time of modern day editing for the purpose of recording the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. This footage has been validated by many leading minds. There has not been one good logical argument for why the footage would be false, therefore it exists undoubtedly as proof of the Hiroshima bombing.
11. The aftermath of the bombing is important, because it revealed to the rest of the world that the United States had nuclear capabilities. The existence of nuclear fission bombs was confirmed the moment Hiroshima turned to ash. This led to the creation and testing of hundreds of bombs over the next 10 years, which showed the US had with absolute certainty the means to produce an atomic bomb in 1945.
12 . If it were ever in doubt, the Atomic Bomb is the only viable explanation for the destruction of Hiroshima on August 6th.
I hope to impress the judges by presenting facts, and that is all that can be expected in debates based on evident truisms. This is not the appropriate setting for speculation and denial. The nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki did happen, and in everyone's hearts we know this to be true. For this reason alone, we should be skeptical to the utmost level of any accusation to the contrary.
It is up to con not only to convince us Hiroshima wasn't bombed, but to prove it, and that is no easy burden.
Return To Top | Posted:
2015-02-14 14:31:43
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Round Forfeited
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2015-02-28 14:32:02
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I, too, accept debates around here
Stag just gets there first pretty often.Posted 2015-02-14 14:26:18
To answer your question: no Posted 2015-02-14 13:31:01
Are you the only one who accepts debates around here? LolPosted 2015-02-14 13:21:24