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Green 1 Red 3


NameDeniz GenderMale Male
DOB 2006-06-19 Occupationunspecified
Country United Kingdom City(hidden)
Ideologyslightlyright wing, but not a racist, nor a sexistReligionRoman Catholic
High SchoolunspecifiedUniversityunspecified
Teams(no team)Coach(no coach)
NameDeniz GenderMale Male
DOB 2006-06-19 Occupationunspecified
Country United Kingdom City(hidden)
Ideologyslightlyright wing, but not a racist, nor a sexistReligionRoman Catholic
High SchoolunspecifiedUniversityunspecified
Teams(no team)Coach(no coach)
Debate Ranking#129
Elo Score1520
Win Ratio100%
Judgment Ranking#341
Average Judge Score0%
Forum Posts0
Joined: Dec 2018
Last Active:
2018-12-06 11:01:14
6 years ago


an eager person to debate on various, big, and sometimes controversial topics e.g. veganism debate, femenism, animal rights, and if we should be politically correct.

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