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New Feature - go vote

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By nzlockie | Apr 14 2016 9:15 AM
End Cross Examination early: Button to click when you have asked all the questions you wish to ask. If BOTH debaters click it, then the CX round has ended

I think this'd be a good idea. I'm currently engaged in a CX round of 1 week. The round time was assigned randomly by the site, and I realise we have the ability to do different times for this round, but even then, I think this'd be a good idea.

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By Bifurcations | Apr 15 2016 1:30 AM
Another new feature

Currently a round counts as OG/OO and they would debate consecutively the number of rounds that has been set for the debate then the rounds would be CG/CO and they would debate consecutively the number of rounds. I propose each round would instead be OG/OO/CG/CO and then CX (if the feature is selected) and then this would be repeated for the number of rounds selected.