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should death penalties be illegal?

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ellieo321ellieo321 (PRO)
i strongly believe that death penalties should be illegal. yes, they can sometimes be in use for someone who’s done a crime which can’t be forgiven and  deserves to not go to prison, but get a death penalty. however, death penalties should be illegal in my belief. first of all, sometimes the wrong people are executed, even though they were innocent. for example; Cameron Todd Willingham was executed in 2004 for supposedly setting a fire that left three people connected to him by blood killed. however, following his execution, there was further evidence which was discovered that revealed he did not set the fire that killed them, meaning he was wrongly executed and nothing was able to done about it. so why is the death penalty a good thing? if people who were innocent and did nothing wrong, but living there life, got executed, how can we say this won’t be a frequent mistake in the future?
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2019-03-10 01:13:05
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Natasha17Natasha17 (CON)
Firstly, “i strongly believe that death penalties should be illegal” bringing Ur own opinion into a debate is fine as long as you are able to back it up but you carried onto say that some people should be executed and then you swiped it around to say that some people are innocent and gave an example. You speak about the innocent people being killed, but haven’t you thought that we are all going to die anyway?Firstly,the death chair is one of the quickest humane ways to die.Secondly, The legal system constantly evolves to maximize justice. 
There is always going to be mistakes made ,but the death chair also helps decline the amount of crime being committed. There is many examples out there about the crimes committed and why it was reasonable to put these people through the the death penalty.

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2019-03-10 01:38:13
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ellieo321ellieo321 (PRO)
you may believe that ‘the death chair also helps decline the amount of crime committed’, but is that the truth? sure, it fully wipes out people who have been said to commit outrageous crimes, but it’s not declining the amount of crime at all. new generations, mean new levels of crime and new people to cause them. also, evidence actually reveals that abolishing the death penalty has reduced crime rates. since he death penalty was abolished in 1976, Canada’s crime rate has steadily declined  and in 2016 was its lowest since 1966. killing is wrong, so killing people for killing, isn’t right because it’s just making iit seem like what they did is acceptable and you’re just as bad as them. a life in prison is a worse punishment than a death penalty, so a prisoner enduring life sentence has many years to reflect on their crimes, experience remorse and has many years to suffer the consequences of their actions. 
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2019-03-10 02:11:51
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Natasha17Natasha17 (CON)
Crimes decrease in death penalty states compared to non: https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/deterrence-states-without-death-penalty-have-had-consistently-lower-murder-rates

“so killing people for killing, isn’t right because it’s just making iit seem like what they did is acceptable and you’re just as bad as them” sorry but you was basically agreeing with the fact that it declines crime amounts and I have posted a link proving it declines the crime rates. No you are wrong, the death penalty does not show it’s acceptable to kill or commit a crime, it’s hoeing the consequences of committing a crime is death. No it’s not a easy way out of it but it allows the family to be able to feel like they have equal as it’s “eye for a eye”. Also keeping people in prisons not only fulls prisons up ( which means more prisons will be have to built causing other bad factors) but it also effect mental health issues.

It's not easy to argue this in 1000 characters.

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2019-03-10 02:42:54
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