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That violent video games should be censored

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brandon.debatesbrandon.debates (PRO)
Outline of Debate
  1. Opening Statement/Acceptance/Contentions
  2. Refutations/Closing Statement

The affirmation clearly defends "That violent video games should be censored" due to the fact that all video games that are violent may affect a child's life drastically. The contention will be as follows:
  1. Violent video games affect children's future. 
  2. Video games are not treated respectfully to their true rating.

Whoever in this debate protects the safety and innocence of a child;s environment shall win.

violent - using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
video games - a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen
censored - examine (a book, movie, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.

Due to the fact that the word should is an action, the affirmation intends on the policy/change that all video games that are violent should have refrained from kids through good parenting and education. 

Contention 1
The first contention is that violent video games are affecting children's future since this violent behavior affects the children mentally. They have a more likely chance of getting negative aspects in their lives due to the fact that these video games are actually targeted towards adults, not children. When children play adulthood games they comprehend it in a different way, making them more likely to do this thing in real life. The typical adult brain is already matured enough to have morality, but children are unable to comprehend this information which will lead to an escalation in violence throughout their life. Guns, profanity, and pornography are typical things that any human sees a child not interacting with, but this usually happens when children use these inappropriate video games. These violent items lead to violence, just like Newton's law of matter. 

Contention 2
The second contention is that violent video games ratings tend to be ignored and are not treated respectfully. Many parents are unable to notice that rating that is on the back of the video game, ultimately showing that these games are dedicated towards these adults or other children of an older age. Parents ignore this rating since many believe it is false, but experts actually go through the time of creating these ratings for a reason. The ignorance of such items may lead for these children to ignorance of other items in their life as well. This is why it is important for parent and/or guardians to enforce all that will make the child's environment safer. 

The affirmation shall truly win since we will keep the safety fo children at a great level, preventing violence in the world.

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2016-11-01 10:56:17
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