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That all forms of education should be free

1 point
0 points
BlackflagBlackflag (CON)
Tell me, now, if all education is 'free' (which really means state-funded) then what is the incentive for any parent to get rich? Why bother earning money? If education is free, one must assume all things should be free and we end up at communism. Education isn't magical, or magnificently essential to one's well-being any more than healthcare, food and water are. Why not have everything free for everyone?

Why would anyone bother working hard enough to be the best of the best if the only reward they get is that their kid is going to a trashy school, just like the rest? A person who has made a substantial living should have every right to entail both themselves, and their children, to the highest form of education that the nation can offer.
Return To Top | Posted:
2014-10-01 03:03:52
10 years ago
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BlackflagBlackflag (PRO)
The opposition claims that free education is two things...
- Non-Essential to Well Being
- Decentivizing

He then moves on to "Question" us, why isn't everything free? Everything isn't free, because everything isn't essential. What I do intend on proving, is education is the most essential thing that humans need. Not only is it the most important thing, but it is key to the very survival and progression of the human race. By doing this, I intend to negate the "Decentivization" argument, do to the sheer need to preserve such a vital system in our society.

Finally, I will end my case by proving that free education is greater than "payed" education, solidifying the resolution and bringing light to such a controversial, but ever so important topic. May we have an invigorating debate, in hopes that it will inspire others to advocate and pursue the universal ideal of free education!

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2014-10-04 13:46:51
10 years ago
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BlackflagBlackflag (CON)
My opponent told you that he is going to prove things. He actually proved nothing so far and thus all my points stand.
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2014-10-04 19:45:08
10 years ago
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BlackflagBlackflag (PRO)
Education is the process of receiving systematic instruction and knowledge (Oxford). Why would "knowledge" be important to humanity?
Human's have a natural desire to "progress", and "improve". Such processes of learning have taken us from a hunting and gathering society, to an advanced civilization, unmatched by any other species. How is this "civilization" sustained? Through learning the skills of the past, and advancing our knowledge and understanding to deal with problems in the future.

The Human Race is in danger. Food and water shortages, global warming, raging conflicts. All these things threaten our survival and way of life. All these things repeat again and again. The only way to stop them is to learn. To advance. To get instruction on what got us where we are, and to learn what will take us three steps farther.

This is no longer a question of privilege, but survival.
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2014-10-06 13:21:50
10 years ago
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BlackflagBlackflag (CON)
There are billions of people who never had formal education of any kind but were either our ancestors or people currently in a situation where they get food, water and shelter without education and survive into adulthood.

There are zero) human beings who did things the other way around. even monks who starve themselves, admit to needing water and shelter to survive.

Even if education were a necessity to life, it would not support the resolution.

There are foods that people on benefits and welfare can afford and then there is five-star silver service food that only the wealthier can afford.

While I agree that there should be tax-funded education of a basic standard available to everyone, I disagree that anything further than that (such as uni and private school) should be 100% tax-funded.

The incentive to get rich is essential for anyone to want to work harder.
Return To Top | Posted:
2014-10-08 10:35:57
10 years ago
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