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prescription medication is poison

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15 points
crossedcrossed (PRO)
most if not all prescription medication tons of side effects per pill and these side effects include thoughts to kill yourself puking blood yellow eyes and skin disturbing weight gain increased

for example chantix an anti smoking add has side effects that include thoughts of suicide changes of behavior and agitation changing in behavior and many other sever side effects and the other 84 side effects. i counted all the side effects b. by the way this stuff has been known to make you schizophrenic  seeing and hearing things are one of the side effects

here another medicine that is commonly used this time Prozac a depression medication. this one has 104 side effects but a short list of them is here

most of the side effect include

     thoughts of killing oneself

  1. unusually pale skin

  2. use of extreme physical or emotional force
  3. vomiting of blood

  4. yellow eyes or skin
     slurred speech

  1. eye pain

  2. fainting

  3. fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat or pulse

  4. general body swelling

  5. high fever

  6. hives, itching, puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue

  7. hostility

  8. indigestion

  9. irregular or slow heart rate

  10. irritability

  11. large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, or sex organs

  12. light-colored stools

  13. loss of appetite

  14. loss of bladder control

  15. muscle twitching
  16. etc
watch the video entirely the guy in it is funny as hell

opdval has 110 before i lost count

  • a few of the side effects

  • yellowing of your skin or
      the whites of your eyes
  • severe nausea or vomiting
  • pain on the right side of your
      stomach area (abdomen)
  • drowsiness
  • dark urine (tea colored)
  • bleeding or bruising more easily
      than normal
  • feeling less hungry than usual
  • decreased energy
pharmakeus or pharmakon the word that the word pharmacist is based off of means

Spell-giving potion); a druggist ("pharmacist") or poisoner, i.e. (by extension) a magician -- sorcerer.

a person using drug-based incantations or drugging religious enchantments

pharmekeia the old Greek word that was in the originally  bible . pharmekeia means a druggist a potion maker a person who  distributes drugs 'drug related sorcery and so so forth has strong roots in our today medicine
 i it not odd that there are 2 snakes around a stick in most hospital logos

Return To Top | Posted:
2019-01-15 13:54:09
6 years ago
| Speak Round
BrennanMedlockBrennanMedlock (CON)
In this rebuttal I will be going over the argument that my opponent brought up in his last document. 

1. Side effects are too dangerous. 
First of all, my opponent said "most if not all prescription medication have tons of side effects per pill including thoughts to kill yourself, puking blood, yellow skin and eyes, and disturbing weight gain increase."  while these are terrible things...these are very rare. if you see on the bottle it says "side effects MAY include etc." it never says you WILL experience those effects. and if you do experience one. its very rare to experience another. and most of the time whenever someone experiences these, its from an allergic reaction.
as you can see at this page its very rare to experience these 


and also i dont think we should be trusting a guy who puts a link to the video for these terrible side effects and says its and i quote "funny as hell"

also i dont think that my opponent knows what he is talking about completely. he says that the root for pharmacist is a poisoner and that the root for it is in the word. well where he got that definition was from bible hub. and whenever that word was formed it was in ancient times and they didn't have real medicine, so they relied on sorcery and that lad to poisoning. and i think we can agree that we dont use sorcery as our medicine nowadays. so you can disregard that argument.

and finally i would like to show you why prescription medicine is helpful. just read part of this article here.

and it's for all these reasons tha

Return To Top | Posted:
2019-01-15 15:18:49
6 years ago
| Speak Round
crossedcrossed (PRO)
my oppenet said

"also i dont think that my opponent knows what he is talking about
completely. he says that the root for pharmacist is a poisoner and that
the root for it is in the word. well where he got that definition was
from bible hub. and whenever that word was formed it was in ancient
times and they didn't have real medicine, so they relied on sorcery and
that lad to poisoning. and i think we can agree that we dont use sorcery
as our medicine nowadays. so you can disregard that argument."

no the ancients used herbs for medicine and food


have you ever heard of the christian bible quote let thy food be thy medicine and my medicine be thy food

thechristian bible is also ancient

and you can not say that food does not work

just look a this nutritionist YouTube channel video list

for example because Indians ate this turmeric for a wide amount of illness

turmeric helps with

and ten more health benefits of tumeric

prozac the depression medication

which has these side effects it only helps with depression and the other 100 something side effects
  • "Abdominal or stomach pain
  • agitation
  • back or leg pains
  • bleeding gums
  • blindness
  • blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin
  • bloating
  • blood in the urine or stools
  • bloody, black or tarry stools
  • blue-yellow color blindness
  • blurred vision
  • chest pain or discomfort
  • clay-colored stools
  • constipation
  • continuing vomiting
  • cough or dry cough
  • dark urine
  • decreased urine output
  • decreased vision
  • depression
  • difficulty with breathing
  • difficulty with swallowing
  • dizziness or lightheadedness
  • eye pain
  • fainting
  • fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat or pulse
  • general body swelling
  • high fever
  • hives, itching, puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue
  • hostility
  • indigestion
  • irregular or slow heart rate
  • irritability
  • large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, or sex organs
  • light-colored stools
  • loss of appetite
  • loss of bladder control
  • muscle twitching
  • nausea
  • nightmares
  • noisy breathing
  • nosebleeds
  • pain in the ankles or knees
  • painful, red lumps under the skin, mostly on the legs
  • pains in the stomach, side, or abdomen, possibly radiating to the back
  • pinpoint red spots on the skin
  • rapid weight gain
  • red or irritated eyes
  • red skin lesions, often with a purple center
  • redness, tenderness, itching, burning, or peeling of the skin
  • severe muscle stiffness
  • severe sleepiness
  • slurred speech
  • sore throat
  • sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth
  • stopping of heart
  • sudden shortness of breath or troubled breathing
  • sudden weakness in the arms or legs
  • sudden, severe chest pain
  • swelling of the face, ankles, or hands
  • swollen or painful glands
  • thoughts of killing oneself
  • tightness in the chest
  • tiredness
  • twitching, twisting, or uncontrolled repetitive movements of the tongue, lips, face, arms, or legs
  • unconsciousness
  • unpleasant breath odor
  • unusual bleeding or bruising
  • unusual drowsiness, dullness, tiredness, weakness, or feeling of sluggishness
  • unusually pale skin
  • use of extreme physical or emotional force
  • vomiting of blood
  • yellow eyes or skin"

just because it is old does not mean they don't practice the same stuff today

the charity lion make its founder who is a satanist/masonic follower believes in the false work philosophy

if they do not use sorcery in medicine nowadays why are there over 100 side effects in our medication i mean these are not small side effect mind you these medicen damage the entire body

this is why they use to burn witches at the stake in the 1800s. but instead they stopped and our medical industry is ran by witch doctors

other health benefits of saffron 11


my opponent said this

"Side effects are too dangerous. First of all, my  opponent said "most if not all prescription medication have tons of side  effects per pill including thoughts to kill yourself, puking blood,  yellow skin and eyes, and disturbing weight gain increase." while these  are terrible things...these are very rare. if you see on the bottle it  says "side effects MAYinclude etc." it never says you WILL experience  those effects. and if you do experience one. its very rare to  experience another. and most of the time whenever someone experiences  these, its from an allergic reaction.
as you can see at this page its very rare to experience these"

if you light yourself on fire you may die but it is not 100 percent

like your sources says some of these side effects are 1 in 1000 to 1 and 10000 of happening  but they are poisoning millions of people at a time.your source says that crestor gave out 21 million prescription drugs that cause sever liver damage, and that 1 in 1000 chance of happening is now over 2100 to 21000 people with liver damage

my opponent said
"and finally i would like to show you why prescription medicine is helpful. just read part of this article here.https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/ResourcesForYou/SpecialFeatures/ucm485545.htm"

so if you stop taking your poison you would die. so they make you dependent on it

how many people each year die because of an medical mistake

210,000 patients a year,

how many from car wrecks

40'000 people die each year because of car accidents

100,000 men and women per year from cancer but 1 million are diagnosed in a year

the 900 lives taken from school shootings past 7 years

my opponent said

"and also i dont think we should be trusting a guy who puts a link to the
video for these terrible side effects and says its and i quote "funny
as hell""

its an add for a prescription medication know as opdvial with a guy stopping it midway through and says something about it that take about 5 seconds. what was funny is his reaction to one of the side effects that is may cause your immune system to attack your  normal organs and tissues and effect how they work. 

the video

opdval has 110 side effects before i lost count

Return To Top | Posted:
2019-01-15 17:46:13
6 years ago
| Speak Round
BrennanMedlockBrennanMedlock (CON)
ok so in this last document, im pretty much going to show you how unreliable my opponents opinion is.
First of all he started by responding to my claim about ancient medicine and said that sorcery is in todays medicine. are you serious? obviously my opponent does not know what he's talking about. that is a conspiracy theory and not a fact so you can disregard that argument.

also if you look at what evidence he relies on, he uses a COMMERCIAL. what? we cannot trust what this guy says.

next he said that the majority of those deaths he showed us were "medical mistakes". lets just stop and think about what that means. 
first of all lets think about how many surgeries there are in a year.


this is what it says

surgical statistics for inpatient procedures include:

  • Nervous system surgeries: 1.2 million
  • Eye surgeries: 69,000
  • Ear surgeries: 24,000
  • Nose, mouth, and pharynx surgeries: 289,000
  • Respiratory system surgeries: 1.3 million
  • Cardiovascular system surgeries: 7.3 million
  • Digestive system surgeries: 6.1 million
  • Urinary system surgeries: 1.1 million
  • Musculoskeletal system surgeries: 5.2 million
  • Integumentary (skin) system surgeries: 1.4 million

so i think that we can see from this that "medical mistakes" can easily be the majority whenever this is how many surgeries are happening.
let me remind you that he never had evidence saying that those "medical mistakes" were from prescription medicine. 

its for all these reasons that i think you should vote for me
thank you.

Return To Top | Posted:
2019-01-16 04:01:17
6 years ago
| Speak Round
crossedcrossed (PRO)

my opponent said

"next he said that the majority of those deaths he  showed us were "medical mistakes". lets just stop and think about what  that means.first of all lets think about how many surgeries there are in a year."

turns out that killing your patient from prescription drugs does not count as a medical mistake

over 128,000 people die people die each year from prescription drugs

in fact prescription drugs kill more than illegal drugs


and i found this video on Adam ruins everything

my opponent said
"also if you look at what evidence he relies on, he uses a COMMERCIAL. what? we cannot trust what this guy says."

buddy whats wrong with using commercials when they get to the part when they talk real fast when talking about the side effects really proves my point

how does a bootlegged nicotine patch end up causing hallucinations change your thinking and or cause you to want to kill yourself. when creating these drugs how can these side effects be on accident

lunesta a drug that helps you sleep causes Hallucinations so it gives you schizophrenia how did we go from helping you sleep to giving you schizophrenia

here some more

  • Aggressiveness
  • Unusually outgoing behavior
  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion
  • New or worsening depression
  • Memory problems
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Feeling as if you are outside your body
  • Other unusual changes in thoughts or behaviors
  • https://www.everydayhealth.com/drugs/lunesta

this parody is so funny

my opponent said

ok so in this last document, im pretty much going to show you how unreliable my opponents opinion is.First
of all he started by responding to my claim about ancient medicine and
said that sorcery is in todays medicine. are you serious? obviously my
opponent does not know what he's talking about. that is a conspiracy
theory and not a fact so you can disregard that argument.

firstly the media has turned conspiracy theorist into a dirty word so everyone would dismiss you

secondly with all the people believing Satan is not real many people get into the dark arts on the notion that Satan is cool and sorcery is not real

do you know how many masonic lodges there are in America i bet there almost one in every town

these things are built all over the world
members of Freemasonry who meet in that place, and between Masonic
lodges all around the world, there is a relationship based on recognition and fraternity.

a masonic lodge in detroit

i used to live on camano island

camano island/ stanwood lodge

another lodge on camano island connected to coupville

there are  people who are put in  positions of power that are in this  masonic youth groups like the demolay at a really young age
 beside the fact that the demolay has demon in the name. demolay is child  youth group ages 9-21. after they graduate the youth group.they helps  them get jobs like an airplane pilot a politician Hollywood actors ceos  astronauts musicians etc and other jobs of high places. all the  presidents have belonged to groups like this but this specific group  raised bill Clinton and Walt Disney and several notable celebrity
 here some of there famous one
 here are some of of them

all the us presidents belonging to satanic cults the all seeing eye is on the dollar for pete sake

Return To Top | Posted:
2019-01-16 15:20:12
6 years ago
| Speak Round
BrennanMedlockBrennanMedlock (CON)
"Ok so im just going to jump to the point. my opponent is not hearing me out correctly.

first of all my opponent has tried to say that sorcery is in medicine. lets not forget that he has no evidence for that.(that's what a conspiracy theorist is no matter what the "public" says)

second my opponent stated in response to me saying "medical mistakes can be multiple things" my opponent said "turns out that killing your patient from prescription drugs does not count as a medical mistake"....thats not what i said if we remember. i said that surgeries just are the majority of those probably.

also he said "buddy whats wrong with using commercials when they get to the part when they talk real fast when talking about the side effects really proves my point".....ok so i went and watched the chantix commercial and picked out a few points in it. #1 in the commercial he said "SOME may experience side effects." he never said you WOULD. #2 after he said the side effects he stated "stop taking chantix immediately if you start to slightly experience these." my point is, this drug is helping people, but for unfortunate few that experience these symptoms, they can stop before it gets serious and be safe. #3 finally, this source is not trustworthy. that video was  Published on Jan 5, 2010. do you know how much our medicine has changed since then? here just read this page
and his other commercial was from 2012.

thats why buddy we cant rely on your commercials.

overall my opponent has offered us nothing more than a theory based in 2012. times have changed and so has medicine. it would be a shame if you vote for my opponent because theories are not facts.

Return To Top | Posted:
2019-01-17 02:54:45
6 years ago
| Speak Round
crossedcrossed (PRO)

 a former satanist says he performed satanic rituals in abortion clinics

 the aborted babies are used as a substitute instead of sacrificing a child
many people covered it.

my debate person

"first of all my opponent has tried to say that sorcery is in medicine.
lets not forget that he has no evidence for that.(that's what a
conspiracy theorist is no matter what the "public" says)"

yes there is i have proven that they did it in the past with the words pharmekeia and pharmacon.
but you seem to have overlooked the part were i showed you the modern day logos for many of our medical corporations of 2 snakes and a staff and or one snake with an stick i between it

and secondly all that i have stated were facts name one time during this argument that i have stated anything but facts. and conspiracy theory were turned into a bad word from the mainstream media so that no one would listen to them. and a theory is based off facts.

snake symbols with stick explained.

why is the Greek rod of asclepius in this modern day medical symbol.

Image result for world health association


staff of hermes

Image result for the staff of hermes hospital symbol

 the magical staff of hermess or the snake god. and the staff was used to heal people with magic it is greek like pharmakon and pharmakeai

reminder pharmakon means a person who distributes drugs a potion maker or  a poisoner.

on the magical recipes online site you are able to read about its history
the site that  and i quote


you learn all about the staff and its origins

the staff of hemess

pharmacon and pharmakeai and the staff of Hermes and or the rod of aspicais are all Greek is that an accident

other medicine company with the staff of hemis logo for more go to my first post these are modern day logos

[​IMG]Image result for the staff of hermes hospital symbol

Pokemon of all thing references this. note the scientifically crafted Pokemon medicine is called a potion. potions are used by witches and witch doctor

Image result for pokemon meme water is better than modern day medicine

Image result for pokemon potion

found this by accident but the staff of hermis is in assassins creed

the 2 snake symbols are greek.  pharmakon and pharmekeia are greek
is that an accident

on wikipedia it gives a list of medical companys that use these symbols of 2 snakes and stick

South Pacific

BHP Emergency Services (West Australian Iron Ore) 


Emergency medical services in the United Kingdom use a variation, in which the snake is entwined with a wheel. 

South Africa
United States

another one of my debate arguers said
"First of all, my  opponent said "most if not all prescription medication have tons of side  effects per pill including thoughts to kill yourself, puking blood,  yellow skin and eyes, and disturbing weight gain increase." while these  are terrible things...these are very rare. if you see on the bottle it  says "side effects MAY include etc." it never says you WILL experience  those effects. and if you do experience one. its very rare to  experience another. and most of the time whenever someone experiences  these, its from an allergic reaction.as you can see at this page its very rare to experience these ""

if i cut off my hand  i may die it does not mean i will die
and most pills have almost 100 side effects per pill which means that the chances of getting one of those side effects is pretty high i mean if i take a pill i may not get all the side effects i may only get 25 that is still 25 different side effects i may not get the yellow eyes skin but the pill may change my brainwaves and put thoughts in my head so i commit suicide  cutting off my head and i kill myself and along with it i get the common side effects like 

he said i used commercials from 2012 and that those are inaccurate because there old. my response to that is that chantix from 2012 is the same chantix that is used today

he also said that medical mistakes were mostly surgery

ya but  1/3 of them are from prescription medication

questions for debater

1 has medication cured any diseases

2 how are these severe side effects not the result of poisoning.

3 and lastly is taking something like Prozac that helps with depression really worth yellow eyes and skin eye pain thoughts of suicide and changing in thinking and behavior worth it and the other potential 100 side affects

three big pharma scandal that will make you sick


charging 100 to 600 dollars for a pill that only cost 1 dollar to make

taking advantage of the opioid epidemic etc

stuff my opponent never addressed

saffron is said to be better than prozac for depression
in fact prescription drugs kill more than illegal drugs

and i found this video on Adam ruins everything that talks about prescription drugs being worst than illegal drugs

Return To Top | Posted:
2019-01-22 09:30:04
6 years ago
| Speak Round
BrennanMedlockBrennanMedlock (CON)
"First of all...i will not argue with someone who thinks sorcery is how we make our medicine.
his proof was "a former satanist says he performed satanic rituals in abortion clinics" well first of all this is someone performing in a clinic. this is not putting it in prescription medicine. his evidence is not solid.
he went on to say the symbols is proof...seriously. im sorry but you said "theory's are based on facts" but you dont have FACTS saying that we use sorcery...a symbol won't cut it. we need real proof. 

next he asked me a few questions
1. "has medication cured any diseases"-----my response-----really? are you seriously asking this. if you want evidence that is unnecessary then here you go. well this article says "Advances in medicines have cured many diseases and saved lives." https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/meds.html

2 "how are these severe side effects not the result of poisoning."   you can't possibly expect that something will cure all of your sickness and have nothing wrong with it. you are expecting a perfect world. it would be foolish to vote PRO

3. "and lastly is taking something like Prozac that helps with depression really worth yellow eyes and skin eye pain thoughts of suicide and changing in thinking and behavior worth it and the other potential 100 side affects"     again...POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS. and lets not forget that my opponent never brought ups evidence saying that there is a good chance getting these side effects. i have brought up evidence saying that it is low. 

lastly this is a small point, but he said "saffron is said to be better than prozac for depression" lets remember my opponents case name again."prescription medicine is poison" saffron IS a prescription medicine. he just made me a point.

if you vote PRO. you would be voting on nothing but ideas and conspiracies. (P.S. i dont care what the media calls it...its a conspiracy.) 
and it would simply be a mistake. i have shown you evidence and my opponent has shown you commercials and assassins creed staff and some symbols saying sorcery is what's in medics. is this really what we want? i sure hope not. thank you!

Return To Top | Posted:
2019-01-22 16:13:47
6 years ago
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