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Women’s rights!

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Ew2046Ew2046 (PRO)
By choosing con you are stating that you are against women's rights.  If this is true I ask why.

There is no societal benefit to prevent women from having the same rights.  A popular argument by sexist (anti-women's rights) people is that women should stay at home and not go to work.  According to the US Department of Labor,  “Women comprised 46.8 percent of the total U.S. labor force and are projected to account for 46.9 percent of the labor force in 2018.”.  To say that women should not work would be to say that we should get rid of almost half of the workers in the US.  According to the CIA the USA had a higher unemployment rate than almost 60 other countries.  By saying women need to stay at home (a part of women's rights) you are saying that the USA should increase our unemployment rate by a lot more than it needs to be/is.  Because I want to know


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2018-12-09 13:29:09
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