Rules of the debate
- Text debate
- Individual debate
- 5 rounds
- No length restrictions
- No reply speeches
- No cross-examination
- Community Judging Standard (notes)
- Forfeiting rounds does not mean forfeiting the debate
- Images allowed
- HTML formatting allowed
- Rated debate
- Time to post: 1 week
- Time to vote: 2 weeks
- Time to prepare: None
This is a war debate. If you want to accept, please send me a message. Tell me what country you will represent, what your WMD will be (refer to the below list), and tell me why I should choose you to be my opponent; give me a very good reason as to why you want to do this debate and why you would be a worthy opponent. I am Russia. Comment if you are interested. If you want to debate, message me.
There are some strict rules that apply:
1. When you accept the debate, state your country, and state the numbers of your armed forces (aircraft, men, ships, etc.). Use this source for military numbers ONLY, as it is the most reliable:
2. Each country's turn can range from about 3 days to 1 month long, so please take in consideration of how much you do in a turn, make it reasonable. (DO NOT try to win in one turn! Take into account that your opponent is also a living, thinking being that can adapt to a situation.)
3. Morale is a key factor in your armed forces' effectiveness.
4. You may produce more military forces (soldiers, ships, aircraft, tanks/humvees/cavalry), but it depends on your military budget, your country's population, and how industrialized your nation is.
5. You may choose to invade or defend.
6. The defender makes the first move.
7. If a nation's capital is destroyed/liberated, this does not necessarily mean that the war is won; the capital could be recaptured.
8. You can have ONLY ONE WMD. (Chooses WMD)
9. WMD is to be used as a last resort. It can only be used if there is an extreme threat to the nation or your army.
10. IF a WMD is to be used, you MUST fully describe the effects of its' use IN DETAIL. Every aspect of the WMD's effects MUST be correct and realistic. Any unrealistic detail in the effects will cause the use of the weapon and ALL of its' effects to become void, and there will be no "restocking" of the WMD. Once you use it, you used it, whether or not the effects are void.
11. Every aspect of the war must be realistic and must remain within the parameters established by the rules and the title. Any unrealistic action and actions deviating from the rules will cause the entire action to be void. Any further deviation after the first void action will result in a complete debate forfeiture.
12. At the beginning of the "war," you MUST specify what country you are, what WMD you will use (and describing the weapon using the below rules in the weapons' list), and you must show what the entirety of your armed forces is made of (soldier count, tanks, artillery, ships, aircraft, etc.).
13. Specify what your WMD is going to be. Specify ALL measurements of the WMD (yield, range, parts-per-million, altitude, longitude, latitude, etc).
14. You may choose ONE weapon from the following list of WMDs:
- Nuclear Weapon: No larger than a 50 kiloton yield. MUST specify type of detonation (underground/collapse, ground/shock, air burst/dust). MUST specify location of detonation (longitude, latitude, altitude. Also name country, province/state, and city of detonation).
- Chemical: Maximum 15 parts-per-million. Specify chemical type. Anthrax and all nerve agents ARE allowed, but only one can be used.
- Biological: Minimum parts-per-million of 15. Maximum initial infection of 1,000 people, but the infection may spread further.
- Radiological: Specify and describe the used radioactive material at the beginning of the war. MUST specify location of detonation (longitude, latitude, altitude. Also name country, province/state, and city of detonation).
- MOAB: Must be used in the unconventional manner. If a MOAB is detonated above ground and at altitude, it has the effects of a tactical nuclear weapon (thus classifying it as a WMD) without the radiation. MUST specify location of detonation (longitude, latitude, altitude. Also name country, province/state, and city of detonation).
15. No allies (NATO, UN, Muslim Brotherhood, or otherwise) under ANY circumstances. You CAN have military or diplomatic agreements and/or treaties with other nations. It is 'Nation vs. Nation' not 'Nation vs. Nation and religious radical group &etc.'
16. Religion is NOT a factor (Middle East Wars).
17. No economic sanctions from any other nation, but economic warfare is allowed.
18. Cyber-warfare is allowed.
19. No insults, cursing, or any inappropriate behavior.
20. No trolling.
21. If you fail to follow the rules once, you will be given a warning and your actions in that round will be void. Further disobedience of ANY of these rules WILL result in an immediate loss of the debate.
I will provide my numbers this round:
Population: 145,500,842
Available Manpower: 69,117,271
Fit for Service: 46,812,553
Reaching Military Age Annually: 1,354,202
Active Front line Personnel: 766,000
Active Reserve Personnel: 2,485,000
Tanks: 15,500
AFVs: 27,607
SPGs: 5,990
Towed Artillery: 4,625
MLRSs: 3,781
Aircraft: 3,082
Fighter/Interceptor: 736
Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft: 1,289
Transport Aircraft: 730
Trainer Aircraft: 303
Helicopters: 973
Attack Helicopters: 114
Naval Strength: 352
Aircraft Carriers: 1
Frigates: 4
Destroyers: 13
Corvettes/amphibs/troop carriers: 74
Submarines: 63
Coastal Defense Craft: 65
Mine Warfare: 34
Oil Production: 11,000,000 bbl/day
Oil Consumption: 2,200,000 bbl/day
Proven Oil Reserves: 80,000,000,000
Labor Force: 75,680,000
Merchant Marine Strength: 1,143
Major Ports and Terminals: 7
Roadway Coverage: 982,000
Railway Coverage: 87,157
Serviceable Airports: 1,218
Defense Budget: $76,600,000,000
External Debt: $631,800,000,000
Reserves of Foreign Trade and Gold: $537,600,000,000
Purchasing Power Parity: $2,486,000,000,000
Square Land Area: 17,098,242
Coastline: 37,653
Shared Border: 20,241
Waterways: 102,000
I'm not going to do that forfeit all rounds thing. I would move it to a group and delete this debate if I were admin.
I think it sounds fun as a war role playing scenario thing.Posted 2015-03-02 07:48:54
I'm not going to do that forfeit all rounds thing. I would move it to a group and delete this debate if I were admin.
I think it sounds fun as a war role playing scenario thing.Posted 2015-03-02 07:48:01
@nzlockie yeah, I guess you are right (and hence so is @Stag!).Posted 2015-03-02 06:44:38
@nzlockie yeah, I guess you are right (and hence so is @Stag!).Posted 2015-03-02 06:29:38
Also Stag is right, we have groups for this kind of thing. The way you're framing this, it sounds more like a game than a debate.Posted 2015-03-02 06:13:46
Meh you should just play it out.
Who cares if you didn't get notified first?
Posted 2015-03-02 06:11:57
Not really a debate, but I am game to play in a group.
There's actually a game just for this kind of scenario.
I would be willing to do Japan vs Russia (as defender)
How does one "win" this war?
By, "no allies" do you mean that defense treaties with other nations count for nothing? Crippling sanctions placed on Russia by the International Community for her cowardly bully tactics don't mean anything? Posted 2015-02-28 07:23:14
Why do you get to choose your opponent?
Doesn't seem very sporting...Posted 2015-02-28 07:16:47
Already?Posted 2015-02-27 05:46:09