christian say
is it not more likely that the owl has night vision because god created it to roam at night so he designed the owl with night vision

predators like t Rex saber tooth tigers bears wolfs have really big teeth evolution say that these creatures needed to to hunt and attack other animals so over millions of years they got some really big teeth by adapting to there nature and evolving.
christian says
is it not more likely that god designed these animals to hunt and kill so to do so he designed them with really big teeth
plant eaters
evolution says
plant eaters like the zebras deer giraffe horses have really small teeth because they do not need to hunt because they eat plants herbs evolution says this is because they over millions of years adapted to there environment
is it not more likely that that these herbivores have small teeth because god designed them to eat only plants.
is it not more likely that god created the clown fish to live in the anemone so that it can hide from its predators
evolution says that the angler fish grew a light bulb because it lived deep in the ocean were you cannot see so over millions of years it grew a light bulb. because it needed to see and needed a way to lure fish
christian say
is it not more likely that god created it with a light bulb so that it see in the deep ocean were there is no light

evolution says
that the lizard develop a defense mechanism were if an animal like a bird grabs him by the tail and trys to eat him it can make his tail fall off so it can get away and later grows it back
christian says
is it not more likely that god designed the lizard with a tail that falls off it if it grabbed so that it can get away
evolution says
is it not more realistic to say that god designed the chipmunk with elastic cheeks so it can carry more nuts
christian says
is it not more realistic to say that god created the lion yellow so that it can blend into the yellow desert so that it can hide better when hunting
what make my theory better than evolution
now i can hear you saying what makes my christian believes better
were are all the bones of these animals that supposedly failed to adapt or evolved
like this video says if we came from monkeys why are there still monkeys.
this video also makes fun of the evolution theory that an explosion from nothing produced life. how can an explosion happen if there is nothing
no need to watch im just sourcing it
here is a huge problem that evolution does not explain why do plants have medical properties.
how would an explosion from nothing produce a plant that regenerates the brain and heals damage from the brain stem. turmeric http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/how-whole-turmeric-heals-damaged-brain-1
continental drift does the bible hint at such after the flood
the earth looks like it could fit together like one big jigsaw puzzle
this has caused many theory's like the continental drift. basically the earth was one big chunk of land than via an earthquake or a flood all the land cracked up into continents and spread apart
it is believed that before the flood the earths land was fit together but after the flood the earth cracked apart. this is believed because of a part of the bible that says this
To Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg5(for in his days the earth was divided), and his brother’s name was Joktan.
this would also explain why all the animals got back to there ideal climate the ground litterally carried them to there ideal climate
the continental drift thing came from here
dead sea scrolls were found shows the accuracy of bible
they have recently uncovered many dead sea scrolls that support accurate of bible
summary of story
so some person in Qumran area was throwing rocks in a cave and he heard a breaking noise he then found out that he broke a pot and inside he found 4 scrolls he went to have them tested in Bethlehem an antique dealer confirmed them to be real and he bought them from him for 150 dollars he then sold it to another person this all happened in 1947. such news did not stay secret for long a year later a Hebrew university professor came along and looked at them he talks about how his hand shook when holding them and that it looked like he was reading psalm. 1954 the wall street journal had a add about the third owner about the 4 scrolls. they later digged deeper of were those 4 scrolls were found and they found complete copy's of all the biblical books in the bible except esther. more scrolls and thousands of ancient fragments
the dead scrolls prove the accuracy of the Masoretic Text. which is the basis for what we use today with the old testoment
national geographic says that it is very likely that Jesus did exist
thing that the bible says that can be backed up today
with Joseph in charge, he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate. Now Joseph was well-built and handsome,
7 and after a while his master’s wife took notice of Joseph and said, “Come to bed with me!”
in genesis in 39
satan makes people rich than haunts them
you know on how almost all the haunted houses are big mansions. why is it always rich people and not poor people i believe that this is because these houses once belonged to people who had sold there souls to Satan in exchange for wealth
god predicted the the earth floats in space years before anyone had been to space. back in the day when everyone believed the earth was flat job:28 "He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing.
" https://biblehub.com/job/26-7.htm
A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
"Then the woman went to her husband and told him, “A man of God came to me. He looked like an angel of God, very awesome. I didn’t ask him where he came from, and he didn’t tell me his name. 7 But he said to me, ‘You will become pregnant and have a son. Now then, drink no wine or other fermented drink and do not eat anything unclean, because the boy will be a Nazirite of God from the womb "
alright so when the angel told samson mother that she was going to be pregnant with him. she said do not drink any wine or strong drinks it was the 1970s when we found out that that drinking while pregnant was bad
fully recognized. Work to educate pregnant women of the dangers of
alcohol in pregnancy"
– whisky for colds or laryngitis, hot brandy punch for cholera,
rum-soaked cherries for a cold. Doctors prescribed champagne as a
treatment for morning sickness. Pregnant women in labor would take a
shot or two of liquor to ease their discomfort. Wine was often
recommended during pregnancy to help pregnant women relax.
gay marriage
god does not hate gay people he just want them to have relationships the way he designed them to have relationships which is 1 male and one female. it is still a sin
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I'd like to thank my opponent for engaging in this debate with me. I do enjoy a good religious debate.
This leads us to a series of statements about the basic beliefs of Christianity:"What is Christianity?" is best answered by saying that it is a relationship with the true and living God through the person of Jesus Christ by whom we are forgiven of our sins and escape the righteous judgment of God. (source)
- That there is a single true and living God
- That a relationship may be made with this God through the person of Jesus Christ
- That God has righteous judgment but Jesus forgives it
- God is self-sufficient: He does not require us to exist; He is more than just "an idea in somebody's head"
- God is eternal: God exists beyond time and space, at once being in every time and space
- God is good: God is described as merciful, kind, loving and gracious
- God is almighty: Apparently with God, anything is possible
- That ALL of the above points are true. It is not enough to prove that only one of them is true - pro must defend that there are good reasons to believe in all of Christianity as opposed to a part of it.
- That alternative explanations are excluded. A good example is that proving the existence of God does not usually preclude the possibility that there could be multiple gods - something Christianity requires.
- That there are no compelling reasons to disbelieve these explanations, including any points I will raise.
- The Bible literally states that some dude called Moses led some slaves out of Egypt, therefore, Christians tend to believe this
- The Bible literally states that some dude called David killed some dude called Goliath, therefore, Christians tend to believe this
- The Bible literally states that some dude called Adam and some chick named Eve lived in some garden called Eden but got shut out by an invincible, flying, flaming sword, therefore, Christians tend to believe this
- The Bible literally states that some dude called Job suffered for no reason other than a friendly bet between perfectly-good God and his evil arch-rival Satan. Christians tend to believe this.
- The Bible literally states that some dude called Elijah got set on fire and pulled up by a tornado directly into heaven, and survived, and came back from Heaven a second time (although he never technically died) although this time he called himself John The Baptist and died for reals. Also it says he's coming back from the dead AGAIN whenever the world ends. Oh yeah, and Christians tend to believe this.
- Almost all Christians think loving your neighbor is a good idea, but somehow, lots of them seem to disagree on what this means
- Christians also don't like stealing, although some think it's ok to steal from the rich if you're giving to the poor, for example
- Christians are also forbidden from religious intermarriage, but no major denomination has been very strict about this for about 500 years
- Women are not allowed to be Christian priests, but some churches are loosening up on these rules recently
- Some churches even are not obeying the rule that requires them to stone athiests like me, allowing me to spread these false heresies on any websites I please.
- The earliest gospels were written a generation after the lifetime of Jesus (going by life expectancy at the time) and written by people writing at (at least) the fourth remove from the person himself.
- The gospels show evidence of legendary development, for example, the birth narrative is not a part of the earliest gospels or Christian letters.
- The gospels are internally contradictory, for example, Jesus has two different genealogies listed which are incompatible with each other.
- The gospels contain facts in contradiction with known archaeological, geographical or other historical facts, such as the names of the consuls when Jesus was born, Matthew's idea that mustard grows on trees, and Luke's placement of Nazareth on a hill.
- The story of Jesus shares marked similarities with other myths known around the Roman empire at the time.
- Josephus, a Roman turncoat Pharisee, mentions the name in passing a few times to emphasize how bad the Jews were. However, the text is known to be heavily edited by medieval Christian copyists.
- Three Roman writers make passing mention of Jesus, but none seem to have had any firsthand evidence, rather are just copying other sources we already have. These writings date to many centuries after Jesus.
- Gnostics also had sects devoted to Jesus. These texts typically depict Jesus as being a metaphysical apparition, occasionally appearing to the masses by revealing his secrets to only a few. Christians generally view these texts as heretical even though they are more numerous than the Christian Bible, and have every bit as much internal reliability as the Biblical texts do.
- There are also "Sayings Gospels", most famously the Gospel of Thomas. This is like a book of quotes attributed to Jesus. It reminds me of a quote said by the great Abraham Lincoln: "Don't trust every quote you read on the internet". I suspect the same logic applies to Jesus.
- Pro points out that National Geographic, a modern publication partially funded by Christian lobbies, says Jesus "probably" existed. O - K.

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i was simply stating that the owl have night vision and roaming during the night and my many other examples were proof of intelligent design. i did not say it is so complex it must have been god. you misunderstood me. and i'm not a catholic I'm a born again believer
the creator wether it be god or chemicals wouldn't it need to be able to think and say hay it is pretty dark during the night i better design the owl night vision so that it can see.
to know that the owl would have trouble seeing at the night without night vision proves that the creator was aware of this and gave the owl night vision, this would take thought this would also take intelligence to know that night time is dark then act upon and give the owl night vision
kangaroos have these little pouches that they keep there babies in. without these pouches the babies would probably be eaten by other animals the babies kangaroo can not hop that fast let alone walk so if it had to follow its mom. the mom would be miles ahead of the joey and would technically abandon it. this is if they did not have a pouch. but god must have known this so he gave them a little pouch to hold there babies in. this is intelligence design. if the creator was a bunch of chemicals how would you make the case that the kangaroo pouch was designed for the babies kangaroo. since chemicals can not design something to complement another thing because they can not think that like saying my stuff animal dragon did it.
what makes jeans intelligent created but not the kangaroo
the kangaroo having a belly pouch to hold a joey is intelligent created by god
my jeans having pockets to fit a pen is intelligent created by humans at jean factory
god designed the belly pouch on the kangaroo so that it can hold babies
the jeans company designed my pants with pocket so that i can put a pen in there.
again how would your chemicals be aware and know that a kangaroo would need a pouch to carry its babies. i can see a human putting pockets in pants so that you can carry thing is that not the same thing here but with god and a kangaroo.
con said
Finally, pro thinks the Bible has sound medical advice. Funny how little it says about medicinal plants, actually. Not only does it not list how to make useful medicines like penicillin, it also gets a lot of stuff wrong. Just check James 5:13-15, which says all you need for any illness is a bit of prayer and oil. Apparently this cure doesn't work so well for cancer. The same is true of many other verses.
oh how your wrong you are i purposefully left out stuff about medicine because it would make a good follow up i got a 337 page book on chrismas about the medical properties in essential oils i am going to destroy you.
con probably believes that we need to create medicine to treat great disease like autism osteoporosis stoke heart problems stuttering etc and to create these medicine would require men of great IQ to make these pills like scientist pharmakeai pharmakon pharmacist and doctors to create such drugs. but what if i tell you that the chemicals that you believe created the universe has out performed these men of great iq and have created plant with medical properties that out performed pills that took years to create. how would a bunch of chemicals create medicine that is better than scientist unless those chemicals were god.
' doctors' drug there patients with cell killing drugs in the hope to kill cancer cells thus curing them of cancer but the drug kills normal cells to
both are just as effective but olive oil you do not suffer side effect
many people have rightfully pointed out and basically said well if olive oil kills cancer cells does that not cure cancer.
- Blood-forming cells in the bone marrow
- Hair follicles
- Cells in the mouth, digestive tract, and reproductive system
- Fatigue
- Hair loss
- Easy bruising and bleeding
- Infection
- Anemia (low red blood cell counts)
- Nausea and vomiting
- Appetite changes
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Mouth, tongue, and throat problems such as sores and pain with swallowing
- Nerve and muscle problems such as numbness, tingling, and pain
- Skin and nail changes such as dry skin and color change
- Urine and bladder changes and kidney problems
- Weight changes
- Chemo brain, which can affect concentration and focus
- Mood changes
- Changes in libido and sexual function
- Fertility problems
- A fever of 100.5°F or greater (taken by mouth)
- Bleeding or unexplained bruising
- A rash or allergic reaction, such as swelling of the mouth or throat, severe itching, trouble swallowing
- Intense chills
- Pain or soreness at the chemo injection site or catheter site
- Unusual pain, including intense headaches
- Shortness of breath or trouble breathing (If you’re having trouble breathing call 911 first.)
- Long-lasting diarrhea or vomiting
- Bloody stool or blood in your urine

frankincense oil does
frankincense oil can help with autism but so do 9 other oils
promoting memory.
Stimulates Urination
Acts as Tonic
Anticancer Properties
Promotes Digestion
Reduces Scars
Prevents Gas Buildup
Boosts Immune System
Relieve anxiety.
Treat depression
Promotes Sweating

Increases Libido
Weight Loss
Eliminates Gas

sorry i got lazy this took way longer than i suspected there are several more oils than this but to pot all of them would take the rest of my life. if i could do it in a life time. so many oils
the only way these plants would have such properties is if god designed them with these properties. i mean how does roots end up with properties that cures stuttering and speech problems with honey.
sweet flag cures stuttering
the creator whether chemicals or god created medicine better than scientist
con probably believes that we need to create medicine to treat great disease like autism adhd stoke heart attack etc and to create this medicine would require men of great iq to make these meds like scientist pharmakeai pharmakon pharmacist doctors to create such drugs but what if i tell you that the chemicals that you believe created the universe has out performed these men of great IQ and have created plant with medical benefits that out performed pills that took years to develop.
the saffron flower has anti depressant properties that are better than the drug prozac
Herbs vs. Drugs: Get the Facts About Medicine
https://www.motherearthnews.com/natural-health/herbs-vs-drugs-facts-about-medicine-zmaz06djzraw8Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.
- The gospels contain facts in contradiction with known archaeological, geographical or other historical facts, such as the names of the consuls when Jesus was born, Matthew's idea that mustard grows on trees, and Luke's placement of Nazareth on a hill.
- The Bible literally states that some dude called Moses led some slaves out of Egypt, therefore, Christians tend to believe this
- The Bible literally states that some dude called David killed some dude called Goliath, therefore, Christians tend to believe this
- That ALL of the above points are true. It is not enough to prove that only one of them is true - pro must defend that there are good reasons to believe in all of Christianity as opposed to a part of it.
- That alternative explanations are excluded. A good example is that proving the existence of God does not usually preclude the possibility that there could be multiple gods - something Christianity requires.
Christian position on gay marriage. My opponent says a few words about
this, but his argument is not substantively doctrinal - rather, it
entirely depends on his blind watchmaker argument, which I will address
denomination has been very strict about this for about 500 years
- Almost all Christians think loving your neighbor is a good idea, but somehow, lots of them seem to disagree on what this means
- Christians
also don't like stealing, although some think it's ok to steal from the
rich if you're giving to the poor, for example
i am not for the robin hood idea socialism sucks and who misinterprets love thy neighbor
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- i guess these things would seem silly if you do not believe in god but these things are pretty reasonable if there was a god (begging the question ... just wait until you go to Sunday School and learn that that Elijah / John the Baptist guy also wrote a letter while he was in heaven and got it delivered! I mean it's actually kind of funny if you think about it that heaven has a post office...)
- i will show you things that the bible has got right and that life is created intelligently which is what i have spent so much time on. (and the Bible never says God did this. I challenge pro to show me any Bible translation that includes God saying the phrase "Let there be foxes!" - instead, God tells the world to produce life-forms, rather than designing them himself - and that's according to Christian scripture!)
- i believe that the gods are just demons pretending to be gods (not really like 2 Peter 2:4-12 says, then?)
- alright what doctrine am i not following (with this burden-shifting statement alone, 1 Peter 3:15, apparently)
i am not for the robin hood idea socialism sucks and who misinterprets love thy neighbor (you do, because of 1 Timothy 6:18)
- the woman and priest is a catholic thing i am a born again believer a man can not forgive your sins only Jesus (pro should read 1 Corinthians 14:33-35; also Catholics would agree with you; also Catholic literally means "universal")
- the bible does not have anything about stoning atheist (except in passages like Deuteronomy 13:6-10)
- None of this gets remotely close to proving the existence of God, any of the attributes of God, or precluding alternative explanations
- Pro has no evidence Jesus existed
- Pro has no evidence Jesus rose from the dead to forgive sins
- Pro has no evidence we have sins that need forgiving
- Pro has no justification for his beliefs other than that he believes them (circular logic)
- Pro has not even provided scriptural support for any of these ideas, let alone support from other sources (bearing in mind that in a book as long as the Bible, scripture can often be cited to contradict other scripture, so even if he did this I can immediately rebut with scripture to the contrary)
- Pro clearly views himself as having the correct interpretation of scripture, without acknowledging his fallibility, which really makes the resurrection quite pointless and is more commonly known to Christians as the sin of "pride"
- Numerous books have got things right. The Illiad correctly described the position of Troy but that doesn't mean Zeus is real.
- The other texts are less affected by copyists through the ages as they were less widespread. While the Bible, once compiled, was quickly copied to numerous other churches, which introduces the potential for scribes to make small errors, other texts were either forcibly kept secret (eg gnostic texts) or only kept in libraries (eg Josephus' writings). Although I can not claim that scribes did not alter these texts also, the potential for errors goes down as less errors are found.
- The other texts are more numerous than the Christian ones and appear to present a compelling overall picture that Jesus may never have existed in physical form.
- The rarity of evidence for Jesus outside the Bible is itself evidence against the very existence of Jesus. If Jesus did not exist we would not expect to find many independent works discussing Jesus. In fact this is what we have - only a small handful, written long after the fact.
- The biblical texts themselves provide some evidence that Jesus is a myth, as I mentioned last round.
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god created the dog to shed its fur during the summer because he had knowledge that it is hot during the summer and getting rid of the fur would help cool the creature down

god gave bat the echo location and colored them black this proves that god had knowledge that you can not see well at night so he gave them echo location so they can get around without needing to see and that he had knowledge that black would make the bat easier to hide during the night so he colored them that
this is the definition of intelligence
The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
‘an eminent man of great intelligence’
how god apply s knowledge
lets start with an easy one to understand the night owl and night vision this how it shows intelligence by apply knowledge
god knew that it is dark outside and the owl would have trouble seeing. so to fix this he designed the owl with night vision.

cats have scratchy tongues this proves that the creator is intelligent because he must have had knowledge that it would be hard for the cats to lick off all the crud off its fur so that it can have a shiny coat. if its tongue was soft it could not get all the junk out of its fur it is like a brush. so the creator applied this knowledge and gave cats scratchy tongues so that it can groom its self
dna has a a repairing system that helps prevent mutations
java man fraud
lucy fraud
And I just want to mention this almost 1/3 of the world believes in Jesus. for gods heaven and hell system to work it would have to be most of the planet and this is after you consider that this is a godless time period. And places cut off from the world like north Korea. Christianity is thriving.
It was 1/3 but Christianity has had it really ruff lately
" https://biblehub.com/job/26-7.htm
the evidence is pretty limited on who exactly he was. This is
significant because the Christian narrative depends on Jesus not only
existing, but dying for the salvation of mankind. Even if my opponent
could definitively prove Jesus' existence, Christians typically take it
on faith that Jesus died for the salvation of mankind, without further
good reasons why this should be the case. I would note the following:
created intelligently which is what i have spent so much time on. (and
the Bible never says God did this. I challenge pro to show me any Bible
translation that includes God saying the phrase "Let there be foxes!" -
instead, God tells the world to produce life-forms, rather than
designing them himself
And God said, “Let the land produce
living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures
that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its
kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals according to
their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the
creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God
saw that it was good.
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in
our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the
sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild
animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.
6But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
can do the impossible. Therefore, as I said, it must be true that God
can not exist (as opposed to the logically consistent statement that God
might exist). This is, of course, impossible, but pro just affirmed
that God does the impossible all the time.
- Numerous books have got things right. The Illiad correctly described the position of Troy but that doesn't mean Zeus is real.
- The other texts are less affected by copyists through the ages as they were less widespread. While the Bible, once compiled, was quickly copied to numerous other churches, which introduces the potential for scribes to make small errors, other texts were either forcibly kept secret (eg gnostic texts) or only kept in libraries (eg Josephus' writings). Although I can not claim that scribes did not alter these texts also, the potential for errors goes down as less errors are found.
- The other texts are more numerous than the Christian ones and appear to present a compelling overall picture that Jesus may never have existed in physical form.
- The rarity of evidence for Jesus outside the Bible is itself evidence against the very existence of Jesus. If Jesus did not exist we would not expect to find many independent works discussing Jesus. In fact this is what we have - only a small handful, written long after the fact.
- The biblical texts themselves provide some evidence that Jesus is a myth, as I mentioned last round.
my reply show me these text that are more numerous then the christian one and show me how much more of them there are.
there more copy's of the bible how does this make it unreliable.and many of the books were written by Jesus disciples as i say in my last post.
the dead sea scrolls prove that the bible is what really happens and not these story's that cropped up
you need to prove that these text are more numerous than others you don't source thing how do i know what you say is true. these text could not be real because you do not source your argument.
where are these text that say jesus never existed in physical form.
The story of Jesus shares marked similarities with other myths known around the Roman empire at the time.
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This is the last round, excepting our summary speeches, so I want to use this opportunity to examine what pro has managed to prove to you today.
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To be honest, I think my summary in my last round was pretty sweet. I wish my opponent good luck in the judging :)
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questioned about whether a woman who divorces her husband to sleep with
somebody else commits adultery.
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Not entirely convinced my opponent's arguments in this debate weren't sponsored by some alternative medicine center.Posted 2019-04-14 14:51:38
Oh boy....Posted 2019-03-17 22:48:28