Rules of the debate
- Text debate
- Individual debate
- 3 rounds
- No length restrictions
- No reply speeches
- No cross-examination
- Community Judging Standard (notes)
- Forfeiting rounds means forfeiting the debate
- Images allowed
- HTML formatting allowed
- Rated debate
- Time to post: 1 month
- Time to vote: 1 month
- Time to prepare: None
In this debate my opponent will construct an argument for why they feel the Bible is missing books, what those books are and why they feel they should be included in the canon. Please note this debate will not cover the apocrypha as seen in certain Bibles, namely Catholic. As that I feel is a separate issue, considering those books ARE included in some Bibles.
Agree. Why?
Posted 2018-10-30 03:18:266 years ago
Why do you think the bible is missing books?Posted 2018-10-19 01:44:286 years ago