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I will show that repatriating all illegal immigrants is an inapt, unethical response to a real challenge - and that there are multiple more effective ways to answer these challenges.
Thus proposition might have correctly identified a problem, but has done nothing to convince us that all-out repatriation is the best solution.
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1. As for the Con saying that I only presented one “fleshed-out argument,” I did state fairly clearly in my last post that I had more but was not presenting them all at one time.
2. Also, I was not saying that the $14k is made up of “little things” like school bus rides and free meals. Rather, I was stating that if you add the cost of all these things to that $14k that illegal immigrants are already costing us, the number is no longer going to be $14k. It will be higher than that. The reason I used education-related topics is because that is what I am most familiar with and to show the indirect effect that a person who is here illegally’s impact makes. Reading off a list of everything illegal aliens cost us would be boring, to be blunt.
3. “If we wanted to turn this annual deficit to a surplus, one potential solution would be to require that children of illegal immigrants pay for public education.” Con, I can only hope that you are not suggesting that children pay for their own education. Illegality and legality aside, most people in America are simply trying to survive, not give their children a future. However, kids who are here legally and whose parents are here legally are getting pushed to the side as we make way for children who are not supposed to be here. I believe every child should get a chance to succeed – if they are here legally. The children of illegal aliens are getting sent to school because it is cheap baby-sitting, sometimes free to them. But never free for us Americans. We are spending money on the education of illegal aliens’ children, but it is more like baby-sitting.
4. The Con also said I should consider “tweaking the availability of benefits.” Benefits? Benefits of being American, correct? Except we should tweak the availability of benefits that Americans have, so that we can give them to non-Americans?! I am sorry, but that does not even make the slightest bit of sense.
5. As for the argument that the legal children of illegal immigrants will continue to cost US citizens for their schooling and existence in the USA in general, first off, most children are only here “legally” because of the DREAM Act. Therefore, they achieved their legality through being here illegally. They should be sent back to their countries with their families if part of their family, parents or siblings, are not legal. If they really want to stay together as a family and they love each other as a family should, they can apply for citizenship when they are back in their home country. Sadly, this is not the case for many families. They use their children as a “Get-in-America-Free” card, which is why they send their children ahead of them. That is not love. The 300k children that Con mentioned should be sent back with their families as well. The fact that they are children does not make them legal. I understand that the Con is probably thinking that is heartless, but he needs to realize that many people have children just to stay in America. That is heartless.
6. To combat the argument that illegal aliens who are entrepreneurs making $17.2 billion a year, you do realize that they are not paying income tax, correct? Also, 900,000 illegal immigrants?! Thank you for proving my point of how many there are! We make being here illegally far too easy.
7. Innocent Americans should not have to pay for the presence of illegal aliens, financially or crime-fully, which will be my next point. As a starting statistic, five years ago, 75% of all federal drug sentences were for illegal immigrants (www.dailywire.com). Can I say,"'Nuff said?" I understand that some immigrants risk death when they return to their country; there are some immigrants who have good reasons for being in America illegally. However, when looking at the crime they commit and pain they cause innocent people, it is a risk we CANNOT AFFORD TO TAKE.
We do not owe illegal aliens anything.
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