I disagree that voting should be compulsory. With compulsory voting, there is more of a chance that the voting pool will be artificially altered or persuaded in favor of a smaller, limited choice of parties, or having someone's votes forced into the majority pool. If voting were compulsory, there would be no diversity in voting.
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2019-03-03 08:20:11
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2019-03-10 08:20:12
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Then again, if voting were compulsory that would maybe even imply that the people who were to be compulsory voters would have to be very well educated or truly competent enough to vote with regards to whatever legal or critical constraints? So, like, among the voting pool the voters must vote? Among those eligible for compulsory voting, the voters must vote.
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2019-03-19 09:02:58
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Round Forfeited
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2019-03-26 09:04:02
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Round Forfeited
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2019-04-14 23:22:01
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