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That there should be a right to bear arms

11 points
8 points
MharmanMharman (PRO)
The idea is to protect from an evil government. And crime overall goes down when there are guns, because law-abiding citizens can protect themselves.
Return To Top | Posted:
2018-01-28 12:06:42
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Zafar mahmoodZafar mahmood (CON)
There should not be any right to bear arms, I agree that there should be an option to bear arm but it should be regularized.The argument that protection should not be left to state as it itself can turn evil sounds impressive but it is self contradictory as there in not need of a right to wield a weapon if sustain-er of right itself is evil or inefficient ( Nobody need a right to wield an gun during war or conflict).
The argument that crime goes down is bogus and is without evidence.
India with gun law is much better in crime rate than US.

Return To Top | Posted:
2018-01-29 23:21:27
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MharmanMharman (PRO)
Sorry for the bad debate so far.

India is not a good comparison. First, although India has stricter gun laws than he US, they are not enforced as much as the US, giving many the freedom to have guns; however, most citizens don't own guns even if they know they can get away with it. Second, because of this poor enforcement, the majority of crimes in India go unreported, so there's actually a higher estimated crime rate in India than the US.

Return To Top | Posted:
2018-02-22 10:35:46
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