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That the government should provide free internet

6 points
0 points
Paul V.Paul V. (PRO)
Considering the fact that the internet has already been a commodity, the government should be therefore obliged to provide free internet for its citizens.

Argument 1 It is evident that schools, nowadays, are becoming more dependent upon the internet. Students, therefore at some extent, are required to utilize the internet for assignments, and research purposes. Have you ever tried to use online educational platforms (e.g. javascript:nicTemp();)?

Argument 2 Social Media is likewise a need. Facebook, the largest social media platform, for instance, caters billions of users. The government should be a help in meeting this need of the public. 

As the government provides internet, there should be limitations, porn sites shall be blocked as well as all other suspicious sites, that there may not be any act of exploitation.

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2018-02-25 15:29:17
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