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That gay marriage should be legalized.

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GamerDeb8rBbrH8rGamerDeb8rBbrH8r (PRO)
----Legalizing it would not make the population go too low as things are 

Key facts: 

1. 130 million babies are born each year [1]
2. Over 55 million people die each year [2]
3. Only %20 of all people are homosexual [3]

Given facts one and two, the world seems to be at least close to its maximum carrying capacity, thus possibly undergoing J-shaped curves ever since either 3000 BC and/or the Baby Boom. This J-shaped graph shows the world population growth since the paleolithic era:

A more clear version of this image:


 And what happens with J-shaped growth is that when carrying capacity is reached, the population plummets. So even if that does eventually happen, we can have more time to prepare for that if we tolerate gays.

[1]- http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/22/health/worldwide-baby-facts/
[2]- http://www.ecology.com/birth-death-rates/ is
[3]- http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/what-percent-of-the-population-is-gay-more-than-you-think-5012467/

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2015-04-09 14:30:34
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